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National Psoriasis Foundation Honors Dr. Stephen Katz

The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) recognized Stephen I. Katz, MD, PhD, head of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), for his work and dedication in expanding research for chronic diseases, including psoriasis. The NPF honored Dr. Katz for his 15-year tenure at NIAMS during which there have been significant advances in psoriasis research, including: • Uncovering the autoimmune nature of psoriasis; • Revealing the connection between psoriasis and other serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease; • Understanding the inheritance and genetics of psoriasis; and, • Helping to create funding partnerships for research that is advancing our understanding of common diseases, such as psoriasis. These advances could help patients with psoriasis live longer, more productive lives. “The work that Dr. Katz and his institute have done to enhance psoriasis research is unprecedented,” said Randy Beranek, president and CEO of the NPF, in a press release “Under his leadership, researchers have uncovered the intricacies of the science and have brought us one step closer to finding a cure. We are proud to honor Dr. Katz for all he and NIAMS have done for the psoriasis community.” Dr. Katz has served as director of NIAMS, one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health, since 1995. The institute conducts and supports research into the causes, treatments and prevention of diseases of the bones, joints, muscles and skin.


