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AAD`s Skin Cancer Screening Program Reaches Milestone

Thousands of dermatologists across the country offer free skin cancer screenings in their communities through the American Academy of Dermatology’s (AAD) National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program. The program just reached a milestone — 2 million screenings have been conducted since the program’s inception in 1985. As of December 31, 2008, more than 188,000 suspicious lesions have been detected, including more than 21,500 suspected melanomas, through the program, according to the AAD. “The goal of the AAD National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program is to save lives. We’re certain that there are people who are alive today because they received a skin cancer screening,” said AAD President David M. Pariser, MD, FAAD, President, American Academy of Dermatology. “Dermatologists have volunteered countless hours to conduct screenings in locations such as sports stadiums, state and county fairs, and hospitals. The AAD National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program is a key opportunity for dermatologists to educate the public about early detection and prevention of skin cancer while saving lives by finding skin cancers in their earliest, most treatable stages.” Visit to find out more about the program or tell your patients to visit the site to find a screening in the area.


