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David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
Bottom line: just as we have chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI), we likely have chronic inhibitory bacterial load (CIBL). If it is inhibiting healing and inflammation on one end or pushing over the edge toward a frank and obvious...
Bottom line: just as we have chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI), we likely have chronic inhibitory bacterial load (CIBL). If it is inhibiting healing and inflammation on one end or pushing over the edge toward a frank and obvious...
Bottom line: just as we have...
Podiatry Today
Ron Raducanu, DPM, DABFAS
Ron Raducanu, DPM, DABFAS, FASPS
Just like the real estate adage “location, location, location,” I believe something similar can be said about working with electronic medical records (EMR): “templates, templates, templates.”
Just like the real estate adage “location, location, location,” I believe something similar can be said about working with electronic medical records (EMR): “templates, templates, templates.”
Just like the real estate adage...
Podiatry Today


Lynn Homisak, PRT
Lynn Homisak, PRT
Acknowledging and understanding another’s feelings is merely a manifestation of kindness. It requires a little humility, a dose of sensitivity, and a lot of genuine concern—all things we could all use a little more of these days—in health...
Acknowledging and understanding another’s feelings is merely a manifestation of kindness. It requires a little humility, a dose of sensitivity, and a lot of genuine concern—all things we could all use a little more of these days—in health...
Acknowledging and understanding...
Podiatry Today
Dr. Joshua Wilder
Jennifer Spector, DPM, FACFAS, Assistant Editorial Director
A DPM is a contestant on the newest season of Survivor. In this interview, learn more about how he managed time away from his practice, his patients' reactions, and how his experience has impacted his professional outlook.
A DPM is a contestant on the newest season of Survivor. In this interview, learn more about how he managed time away from his practice, his patients' reactions, and how his experience has impacted his professional outlook.
A DPM is a contestant on the...
Podiatry Today
Alexandra T. Black, DPM, AACFAS, DABPM
Jered M. Stowers, DPM, AACFAS, DABPM
Andrew C. Falco, DPM, AACFAS, DABPM
In the decade after the shift to electronic health records (EHR), the convenience and efficiency of sharing patient data may put the security of patient information at risk. Additionally, the authors assert that data sharing guidelines are...
In the decade after the shift to electronic health records (EHR), the convenience and efficiency of sharing patient data may put the security of patient information at risk. Additionally, the authors assert that data sharing guidelines are...
In the decade after the shift to...
Podiatry Today


Jason R. Miller, DPM, FACFAS
Krista Kotzeva, DPM
Ryan Tonucci DPM, ATC, CSCS
In high school, John, an aspiring athlete, sustained a severe ankle sprain, and like many, he did not prioritize treatment and rehabilitation of this initial injury. Unfortunately, at the end of his collegiate athletics, his dream of playing...
In high school, John, an aspiring athlete, sustained a severe ankle sprain, and like many, he did not prioritize treatment and rehabilitation of this initial injury. Unfortunately, at the end of his collegiate athletics, his dream of playing...
In high school, John, an...
Podiatry Today
Thomas Ehlers, DPM, AACFAS
Surgery is arguably as much an art as it is a science, and it could be said that there is even some superstition involved when operating. Some surgeons like the exact same setup for every case, with some of these practices rooted in evidence,...
Surgery is arguably as much an art as it is a science, and it could be said that there is even some superstition involved when operating. Some surgeons like the exact same setup for every case, with some of these practices rooted in evidence,...
Surgery is arguably as much an...
Podiatry Today
David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
We and our greater team have had a good deal of experience with adipose-derived cells for both wound healing and for reducing risk for recurrence in diabetic foot remission. We think these data support some of our previous efforts and look...
We and our greater team have had a good deal of experience with adipose-derived cells for both wound healing and for reducing risk for recurrence in diabetic foot remission. We think these data support some of our previous efforts and look...
We and our greater team have had...
Podiatry Today


Zeeshan S. Husain DPM FACFAS FASPS
Stephanie Behme, DPM
Charcot reconstruction surgery is challenging, but there are significant preoperative considerations that need to be evaluated before the patient is brought into the operating room.
Charcot reconstruction surgery is challenging, but there are significant preoperative considerations that need to be evaluated before the patient is brought into the operating room.
Charcot reconstruction surgery...
Podiatry Today
Jeffrey D. Lehrman, DPM, FASPS, MAPWCA
Do I need to list the invoice price? The answer depends on which skin substitute product was used, and to which third-party payer the claim is being submitted to.
Do I need to list the invoice price? The answer depends on which skin substitute product was used, and to which third-party payer the claim is being submitted to.
Do I need to list the invoice...
Podiatry Today
