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Guidelines for Contributors

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Podiatry Today.

Manuscript Submissions

All submissions for consideration must be submitted online through our Submissions Portal at

The corresponding author will receive all manuscript-related correspondence via email. There is no fee to submit or publish a manuscript with Podiatry Today, nor are there any fees associated with including figures/photographs. Authors are encouraged to submit photos and/or videos associated with their manuscript as part of the original submission.

Submission Instructions

Please complete all applicable fields in the Submissions Portal, including the electronic signatures. Podiatry Today will consider multiple manuscript types that have a clinical or practice management focus and align with our editorial mission. This may include literature reviews, topic reviews, case studies/case series, or summaries of recently released research. Sports medicine, dermatology, and case presentations are especially of interest to our audience, although all topics within foot and ankle medicine and surgery are encouraged. Students and residents are welcome to submit items for consideration, as well.

All unsolicited submissions are reviewed by our editorial team, with decision emails usually available within 2-3 weeks from submission. All articles undergo an editorial process for multiple factors including, but not limited to, accuracy, conciseness of messaging, AMA style, active voice, and clarity. Corresponding authors will have the opportunity to review the edited piece prior to publication.

Letters to the Editors should be no more than 500 words, limited to 5 references, and must comment on a Podiatry Today article published within the last 3 months. All letters are reviewed by the editors and selection is based on interest, timeliness, and support of the editorial mission. Letters not intended for publication by the authors should state this in the body of the text. Published letters may be edited and shortened; tables and figures are included selectively. If a letter is selected to be published, the author will be notified via email.


Manuscripts must be submitted in Word and include the text, references, and editable tables. Figure or table legends should be included within the Word document or in the applicable field in the portal. Images should be uploaded separately from the manuscript, and not embedded in the Word document. Associated videos are encouraged, and can be indicated in the submission file, and submitting separately to the editorial team upon request.


Text should adhere to the American Medical Association Manual of Style for grammar, punctuation, and style. Manuscripts should be written as concisely as possible and all manuscripts are subject to editing by Podiatry Today, including for length. If your manuscript is accepted for planned placement in the print journal, the piece may be truncated pending print page space allotment or transitioned to an online-exclusive piece.


References should be complete and listed at the end of the manuscript. Numbered references must be cited in the same order as found in the text. Please do not use EndNote or other Reference Manager programs. Please consult the latest edition of the American Medical Association Style Guide (11th edition) for further directions.

Figures and Videos/Legends

Digital images should be a minimum of 300 dpi and uploaded with the manuscript as separate files in the indicated field of the portal. Legends or suggested captions should be included in the appropriate field in the portal or within the manuscript document.

If the figure or graph has been published previously, permission to reprint the figure must be obtained in written format from the copyright owner. Author(s) are required to obtain the permissions and submit the documentation with the manuscript. If a figure or graph is considered usable under a Creative Commons or similar license, the author is responsible for providing all information to satisfy the associated terms, including the original site/location of the CC license designation for the content. 


By submitting your manuscript to Podiatry Today, you agree to a plagiarism screen via iThenticate. 

In the Submission Portal, the submitting author will be asked to asked to electronically respond to inquiries and acknowledgements of the following:

·      Approval from all authors to submit the manuscript

·      Any current/previous submission or presentation of the material

·      Financial disclosures and conflicts of interest

·      Authorship criteria

·      Ethical and regulatory considerations

·      Author Agreement, including copyright

If a medical writer, editor, or artificial intelligence (AI) was used, in part, or in whole, to create this manuscript, this must be disclosed clearly in your manuscript or submission form.

Opinions expressed by authors are their own and not necessarily those of HMP Global, the editorial staff, or any member of the Editorial Advisory Board. The publishers of Podiatry Today accept no responsibility for statements made by contributors or claims made by advertisers, nor does the publication of advertisements constitute or imply endorsement. Manuscripts are accepted for publication with Podiatry Today with the understanding that their content, all or in part, has not been published elsewhere and will not be published elsewhere, except in abstract form or by the express consent of the Assistant Editorial Director.

The content of Podiatry Today is protected by copyright. All manuscripts submitted for publication must include electronic signature/acknowledgement of the copyright statement in the submission portal by the submitting author and on behalf of all coauthors.

Descriptions, photographs, and/or video should not contain patient personal identifiers of any kind, and the submitted content should be cropped or blurred by the author to block this information. The author must provide a signed statement of informed consent from the patient, or parent/legal guardian (as applicable) if publication of any such information is essential and clinically relevant to the manuscript.

Indexing and Digital Content

Podiatry Today is indexed in CINAHL. Full articles can also be viewed on the website at, which is fully searchable and is registered with all major Internet search engines. Full content is available free of charge. 

