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Editorial Information


Jennifer Spector, DPM
Assistant Editorial Director
800.237.7285 ext. 4151

Brian McCurdy
Managing Editor
800.237.7285 ext. 4267

Circulation and Production

Bonnie Shannon
Senior Circulation Manager
800.237.7285 ext. 4246

Andrea Steiger
Director, Print Production
800.237.7285 ext. 4267


Mission Statement

Podiatry Today is an award-winning, premier publication that emphasizes informative clinical features and columns as well as practice management articles.


Article Submission

Articles can be sent to the attention of Managing Editor Jennifer Spector, DPM ( Pieces for consideration should be in Microsoft Word format, with full references, both listed at the end of the piece and annotated in the text. All authors should be listed at the beginning of the piece, including full credentials. 


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About HMP Global

HMP Global is the force behind Healthcare Made Practical—and is an omnichannel leader in healthcare content, events, and education, with a mission to improve patient care. The company produces accredited medical education events – in person and online via its proprietary VRTX virtual platform – and clinically relevant, evidence-based content for the global healthcare community across a range of therapeutic areas. Its brands include the HMP Global Learning Network, healthcare's most comprehensive source for news and information; Consultant360, the award-winning, year-round multispecialty-focused platform; Psych Congress, the largest independent mental health meeting in the U.S.; the Evolution of Psychotherapy, the world’s largest independent educational event for mental health professionals; the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), the leading, global gathering for interdisciplinary cardiovascular specialists; EMS World Expo, North America's largest EMT and paramedic event; and the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC), the largest wound care meeting in the world. For more information, visit

