Volume 30 - Issue 3 - March 2017
Konstantinos Markakis, MD, PhD, Barzo Faris, MD, Sheikh T. Rashid MD, PhD, David G. Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, Andrew J.M. Boulton, MD, DSc, and Frank L. Bowling, DPM, PhD
Konstantinos Markakis, MD, PhD, Barzo...
Given the increasing prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and that improperly managed diabetic foot infections can lead to tissue loss, amputation or even death, it is crucial to have a grasp of effective treatment...
Given the increasing prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and that improperly managed diabetic foot infections can lead to tissue loss, amputation or even death, it is crucial to have a grasp of effective treatment...
Given the increasing prevalence...
Podiatry Today
Surgical Pearls
Bruce R. Lawrence, DPM, FACFAS, Gary M. Lepow, DPM, FACFAS, and Eric Thuen, DPM, FACFAS
Bruce R. Lawrence, DPM, FACFAS, Gary ...
Surgeons have used first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) implants for over six decades with widespread availability beginning in the 1970s.1 Patients with hallux rigidus have been the primary beneficiaries of implant arthroplasty.
Surgeons have used first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) implants for over six decades with widespread availability beginning in the 1970s.1 Patients with hallux rigidus have been the primary beneficiaries of implant arthroplasty.
Surgeons have used first...
Podiatry Today
Diabetes Watch
Christopher R. Hood, Jr., DPM, AACFAS, Lindsy L. Kragt, DPM, and Adam J. Badaczewski, DPM
Christopher R. Hood, Jr., DPM, AACFAS...
First describing metabolic syndrome in 1988, Reaven discussed several metabolic findings with this syndrome and proposed that the central characteristic is insulin resistance with an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.1
First describing metabolic syndrome in 1988, Reaven discussed several metabolic findings with this syndrome and proposed that the central characteristic is insulin resistance with an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.1
First describing metabolic...
Podiatry Today
News and Trends
Brian McCurdy, Managing Editor
Brian McCurdy, Managing Editor
Podiatry Today
Clinical Editor: Kazu Suzuki, DPM, CWS
Clinical Editor: Kazu Suzuki, DPM, CW...
These panelists provide a guide to tackling common coding dilemmas, appropriate coding for wound debridement, skin grafts and substitutes, and advice for new doctors when learning to code.
What is your advice for a new practitioner who...
These panelists provide a guide to tackling common coding dilemmas, appropriate coding for wound debridement, skin grafts and substitutes, and advice for new doctors when learning to code.
What is your advice for a new practitioner who...
These panelists provide a guide...
Podiatry Today