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Volume 18 - Issue 11 - November 2005

Continuing Education

By Don Buddecke, DPM and Michael S. Lee, DPM
By Don Buddecke, DPM and Michael S. L...
   Calcaneal fractures continue to be one of the most complicated injuries of the lower extremity. Satisfactory outcomes are difficult to achieve and require extensive experience and understanding in treating the injury. Calcaneal fractures...
   Calcaneal fractures continue to be one of the most complicated injuries of the lower extremity. Satisfactory outcomes are difficult to achieve and require extensive experience and understanding in treating the injury. Calcaneal fractures...
   Calcaneal fractures continue...
Podiatry Today
By Douglas H. Richie, Jr., DPM
By Douglas H. Richie, Jr., DPM
   Heel pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint of patients presenting to the podiatric physician. While heel pain is estimated to comprise 10 percent of athletic injuries, the incidence of heel pain in the active and sedentary...
   Heel pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint of patients presenting to the podiatric physician. While heel pain is estimated to comprise 10 percent of athletic injuries, the incidence of heel pain in the active and sedentary...
   Heel pain is the most common...
Podiatry Today
By Jeff Hall, Executive Editor
By Jeff Hall, Executive Editor
   There is no doubt that podiatrists see quite a bit of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis accounts for 11 to 15 percent of all foot symptoms in adults, according to an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year. As Stephen...
   There is no doubt that podiatrists see quite a bit of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis accounts for 11 to 15 percent of all foot symptoms in adults, according to an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year. As Stephen...
   There is no doubt that...
Podiatry Today
By Lisa M. Schoene, DPM, ATC
By Lisa M. Schoene, DPM, ATC
   Given the common incidence of heel pain, patients may present to the office with symptoms that have been present anywhere between two or three weeks to perhaps two or three years. Often, these patients have already consulted with another...
   Given the common incidence of heel pain, patients may present to the office with symptoms that have been present anywhere between two or three weeks to perhaps two or three years. Often, these patients have already consulted with another...
   Given the common incidence of...
Podiatry Today
By Brian McCurdy, Associate Editor
By Brian McCurdy, Associate Editor ...
   From scheduling appointments to answering patient questions to billing, DPMs would be lost without competent and productive staff members. Indeed, having a good support staff is essential to a successful practice. However, with the hustle...
   From scheduling appointments to answering patient questions to billing, DPMs would be lost without competent and productive staff members. Indeed, having a good support staff is essential to a successful practice. However, with the hustle...
   From scheduling appointments...
Podiatry Today


Diabetes Watch
By John Giurini, DPM
By John Giurini, DPM
   When Jean-Marie Charcot described the entity that bears his name in 1868, little did he know the controversies he would create. Charcot joint disease (or Charcot neuroarthropathy) has been one of the most misdiagnosed conditions in...
   When Jean-Marie Charcot described the entity that bears his name in 1868, little did he know the controversies he would create. Charcot joint disease (or Charcot neuroarthropathy) has been one of the most misdiagnosed conditions in...
   When Jean-Marie Charcot...
Podiatry Today
By Lara M. Allman, DPM
By Lara M. Allman, DPM
   The year was 1996. I had finally graduated podiatry school. It felt great except for the large sum of loans that had accumulated. Four years and $100,000-plus in debt, it seemed like a black hole with no end in sight. A few months before...
   The year was 1996. I had finally graduated podiatry school. It felt great except for the large sum of loans that had accumulated. Four years and $100,000-plus in debt, it seemed like a black hole with no end in sight. A few months before...
   The year was 1996. I had...
Podiatry Today
News and Trends
By Brian McCurdy, Associate Editor
By Brian McCurdy, Associate Editor ...
   While previous studies have touted the benefits of peripheral nerve decompression for patients with neuropathy, a new study in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (JAPMA) reveals positive effects on sensation,...
   While previous studies have touted the benefits of peripheral nerve decompression for patients with neuropathy, a new study in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (JAPMA) reveals positive effects on sensation,...
   While previous studies have...
Podiatry Today
Surgical Pearls
By John Mozena, DPM, PC, and Tyler Marshall, DPM
By John Mozena, DPM, PC, and Tyler Ma...
   One of the most documented postoperative complications of distal metatarsal osteotomies is adhesive capsulodesis that limits dorsiflexion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ). When faced with such a post-op complication, one may be...
   One of the most documented postoperative complications of distal metatarsal osteotomies is adhesive capsulodesis that limits dorsiflexion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ). When faced with such a post-op complication, one may be...
   One of the most documented...
Podiatry Today
Clinical Solutions in Practice
By Robi Garthwait, Contributing Editor
By Robi Garthwait, Contributing Edito...
   Doctors are turning to Biofreeze to manage the pain associated with a variety of ailments affecting the lower extremities. Available in a gel, roll-on or no-touch natural Cryospray™, the product provides a pain relief period that generally...
   Doctors are turning to Biofreeze to manage the pain associated with a variety of ailments affecting the lower extremities. Available in a gel, roll-on or no-touch natural Cryospray™, the product provides a pain relief period that generally...
   Doctors are turning to...
Podiatry Today

