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The Whoville Of Physician Coaching

Rick Zollinger, MD, FACS

Professional coaching is a land of its own. Do you ever wonder WHO should be coached? That’s a simple question with a simple answer: Everyone. Heck, yeah! There is virtually no one who cannot benefit from the introspection and self-reflection that coaching entails. Remember the children’s book of old, Horton Hears a Who? Well, of course you do. After learning the Whos in Whoville are in trouble, Horton, a kind-hearted elephant, endures significant harassment while caring for and protecting the Whos. Think about our patients across the world. WHO watches out for them? You do, that’s who! You spend countless hours and battle obstacles large and small to care for the most vulnerable in their time of need. You, my friend, are Horton.

That begs the question, who cares for the Hortons of our world? Who is there to support physicians and clinicians when they are weary, lost, confused, or unsure? The answer is coaches. My colleagues that I work with in this field offer unwavering support and professional insight for all the Hortons among us.

First and foremost, once an individual understands what coaching is and how he or she can benefit, another question bubbles to the surface. How do I get started with coaching and with who? Now, I know it is whom in this case, but I’m sticking with my “who” theme.

To be coached, you must want to be! Successful coaching requires an open mind to search for your own solutions using your own personal thought processes. The most important WHO in coaching is you, the client! Your full presence is mandatory.

We all know roadblocks in life are inevitable. The solutions or pathways to success sometimes are not so simple or straightforward. What a gift it is to have an unbiased sounding board to listen and respond to you on a very personal level. Both the coach and the client represent the WHO team. This team practices being present in the moment and listening clearly to what is being shared.

The coaching landscape is not solely made up of a mentor, consultant, or therapist. In fact, this landscape is a rich clearing house for the issues a client may bring to discuss. As a client, be open about your concerns. Your coach can help point you towards the right metaphorical baggage claim, inviting you to pick up your suitcase and enter the world anew. Understanding fully that you, the Who, are the one who envisions the pathways and solutions. You may be looking for directions to resolve personal and or professional stumbling blocks and the sounding board of a great coach can be a guiding light.

Remember it’s imperative that you are fully engaged in the process to have what you deem to be successful. It is also important to understand the match between the client and the coach is the number one priority. If early on there is no connection in your mind or heart, then it is possible that Horton hears a different Who for you!

The most important Who is YOU. Reach out, seek a coach, and enjoy the journey. You never have to be a Horton alone.

Dr. Zollinger has more than three decades in general, cardiovascular and thoracic surgery as well as certification in Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. He has been a member of and held appointments with the American College of Surgeons, North Carolina Surgical Association, the Southern Surgical Society, the Society for Thoracic Surgery and the International Surgical Society. He has been actively involved in education and leadership roles, serving as Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery for the Department of Vascular Surgery at UNCChapel Hill, Medical Director for Carolina Wound Care Center, Physician Training Faculty member and Area Medical Director for Diversified Clinical Services. He is a Physician Coach with MDCoaches, LLC.



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