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On the “Lighter” Side

Lynn Homisak, PRT

Seems turning on the TV, listening to a podcast, or reading an article these days only depicts more “breaking news” catastrophes, COVID-19 outbreaks, inhumane war updates and ongoing political dissonance. In between all that, it’s become our job to differentiate actual facts from “alternative facts.” Whew! I don’t know about you, but I could use a reprieve!

Luckily, I found just the thing to alter my state of mind back to where it was pre-2020. It’s called humor. You remember humor. Oxford defines it as “the quality in something that makes it funny; the ability to laugh at things that are funny.”1 Ring a bell?

Because I think we could all use a double dose of “humor” about now, I share the following and challenge all Podiatry Today blog readers to take a temporary pause from reality and consider the “lighter” side of practice management, for a refreshing change.

You probably didn’t realize that many of the activities that you engage in during a typical work day (and in fact, many of the topics I have touched on previously in this blog space), can lead to some significant health benefits. A stretch? Perhaps. Nevertheless, it’s about time someone (I wish I knew who to credit for this comic relief) points out that our daily activities do not get enough consideration. Turns out, each one carries weight, or as the unknown author points out, can help us lose some of those extra pounds.

So, grab yourself a pencil and start recording the number of calories YOU can burn in any given day and get started on your road to self-discovery. A little introspection is about to occur. Begin.

Did you know that if you:2

·       Beat around the bush, burn 75 calories

·       Jump to conclusions, burn 100 calories

·       Climb the walls, burn 150 calories

·       Swallow your pride, burn 50 calories

·       Pass the buck, burn 25 calories

·       Throw your weight around (varies), burn 50-300 calories

·       Make mountains out of molehills, burn 500 calories

·       Hit the nail on the head, burn 50 calories

·       Wade through your paperwork (or chart notes), burn 300 calories

·       Bend over backwards, burn 75 calories

·       Jump on the bandwagon, burn 200 calories

·       Balance the books, burn 25 calories

·       Run around in circles, burn 350 calories

·       Eat crow, burn 225 calories

·       Toot your own horn, burn 25 calories

·       Climb the ladder of success, burn 750 calories

·       Add fuel to the fire, burn 160 calories

·       Wrap it up at the day’s end, burn 12 calories

To which you may want to add your own favorite activities, including,

·       Opening a can of worms, burns 50 calories

·       Putting your foot in your mouth, burns 300 calories

·       Start the ball rolling, burns 90 calories

·       Going over the edge, burns 25 calories

·       Picking up the pieces, burns 350 calories

·       Counting eggs before they hatch, burns 6 calories, and

·       Calling it quits, burns a whopping 2 calories

Speaking of calling it quits, we’ve come to the end of the workout, so give yourself a bonus 2 calorie burn for knocking this last one out of the park.

How’d you do? Can you skip the gym today? Indulge in a guiltless 22 scoop ice cream sundae or a cheese-smothered burrito? Unlikely.

Take it from this practice management consult/health coach that there are no short cuts to good health that take the place of eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and engaging in routine physical exercise. But, for one magical minute, it was fun thinking there was.

Go on, admit it. You smiled.

Ms. Homisak is the President of SOS Healthcare Management Solutions in Federal Way, WA.  She completed a Health Coach Training Program from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and received certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.


1. Oxford Learner's Dictionaries. humor. Available at: . Accessed May 5, 2022.

2. Exercise for the non-athletic. Available at: . Accessed May 5, 2022.

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