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Less Sleep Associated With Anxiety- and Depression-Like Thinking

Sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours a night may be associated with thoughts similar to those seen in anxiety and depression, according to the results of a recent study.

Repetitive negative thinking has been shown to be associated with disruptions in sleep, and these disruptions could, in turn, be associated with attentional control deficits.

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For their study, researchers enrolled 52 adults with high levels of transdiagnostic RNT and varying sleep durations to participate in a free-viewing and directed attention task using emotionally-evocative and neutral image. Eye-tracking data were collected during the study, as were self-reported and clinician-administered sleep interviews. 

Overall, they found that shorter habitual sleep duration was associated with a longer duration of looking at emotionally negative images, compared with neutral images, as well as more difficulty disengaging attention from negative images during a directed attention task. Longer sleep onset latencies were also shown to be associated with difficulty disengaging from negative images.

“These findings suggest that sleep disruption may be associated with a specific impact on cognitive resources that are necessary for the top-down inhibitory control of attention to emotionally negative information,” the researchers wrote.

However, they noted that a causal link between sleep and attentional control could not be inferred from these cross-sectional data.

—Michael Potts


Nota JA, Coles ME. Shorter sleep duration and longer sleep onset latency are related to difficulty disengaging attention from negative emotional images in individuals with elevated transdiagnostic repetitive negative thinking. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2018;58:114-122.

