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Bhatt and Brilakis

Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, JIC Editor-in-Chief, and Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD


Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, JIC Editor-in-...
Emmanouil Brilakis discusses the largest meta-analysis to date investigating the impact of CTO-PCI on clinical events during long-term follow-up. The analysis (Simsek et al), included 58 publications containing a total of 45,527 who underwent...
Emmanouil Brilakis discusses the largest meta-analysis to date investigating the impact of CTO-PCI on clinical events during long-term follow-up. The analysis (Simsek et al), included 58 publications containing a total of 45,527 who underwent...
Emmanouil Brilakis discusses the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Achmad Fauzi Yahya, MD and Aninka Saboe, MD

Achmad Fauzi Yahya, MD and Aninka Sab...
Video supplement to “Ostial Circumflex Dissection Caused by Off-Track OCT Catheter,” by Yahya, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Ostial Circumflex Dissection Caused by Off-Track OCT Catheter,” by Yahya, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Ostial...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology

Dinkar Bhasin, MD, DM;  Ankita Dhir, MD;  Yash Paul Sharma, MD, DM

Dinkar Bhasin, MD, DM;  Ankita Dhir, ...
Video supplement to “Axillary Vein Spasm During Permanent Pacemaker Implantation,” by Bhasin, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Axillary Vein Spasm During Permanent Pacemaker Implantation,” by Bhasin, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Axillary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology


Ya'Qoub Video Series

Lina Ya’Qoub, MD;  Alejandro Lemor, MD;  Mir Babar Basir, DO;  Mohammad Alqarqaz, MD;  Pedro Villablanca, MD

Lina Ya’Qoub, MD;  Alejandro Lemor, M...
Video supplement to “A Visual Depiction of Left Ventricular Unloading in Veno-Arterial ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation With Impella,” by Ya’qoub, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “A Visual Depiction of Left Ventricular Unloading in Veno-Arterial ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation With Impella,” by Ya’qoub, et al. (November 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “A Visual...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Ahmed Preview

Shaheer Ahmed, MD, DM, DNB;  Gauravkumar Divani, MD;  Nitish Rai, MD, DM

Shaheer Ahmed, MD, DM, DNB;  Gauravku...
Video supplement to “Left Ventricular Angiogram in Constrictive Pericarditis,” by Ahmed, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Left Ventricular Angiogram in Constrictive Pericarditis,” by Ahmed, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Left...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Vijayvergiya Preview

Rajesh Vijayvergiya, MD;  Ashish Sharma, MS;  Akash Batta, MD;  Ganesh Kasinadhuni, MD;  Anupam Lal, MD

Rajesh Vijayvergiya, MD;  Ashish Shar...
Video supplement to “Hybrid Endovascular Aortic Repair in a Post-Renal Transplant Patient With Juxtarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm,” by Vijayvergiya, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Hybrid Endovascular Aortic Repair in a Post-Renal Transplant Patient With Juxtarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm,” by Vijayvergiya, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “Hybrid...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology


Kanjanarutjawiwat Preview

Wiwat Kanjanarutjawiwat, MD;  Sarunpong Pibalyart, MD;  Paruepong Makarasen, MD

Wiwat Kanjanarutjawiwat, MD;  Sarunpo...
Video supplement to “The Great Masquerader: Coronary Occlusion From Thrombus in Ascending Aortic Aneurysm Causing Anterior-Wall STEMI With Cardiogenic Shock,” by Kanjanarutjawiwat, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “The Great Masquerader: Coronary Occlusion From Thrombus in Ascending Aortic Aneurysm Causing Anterior-Wall STEMI With Cardiogenic Shock,” by Kanjanarutjawiwat, et al. (October 2022 Clinical Images).
Video supplement to “The Great...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Chiang Alpha Loop Technique

Michael Chiang, MBBS;  Ka Chun Alan Chan, MBBS;  Chi Yuen Eric Wong, MBBS;  Kang Yin Michael Lee, MBBS

Michael Chiang, MBBS;  Ka Chun Alan C...
The alpha-loop snaring technique, which can salvage a failing snaring attempt of a completely deployed and dislodged coronary stent, is demonstrated in this video series.
The alpha-loop snaring technique, which can salvage a failing snaring attempt of a completely deployed and dislodged coronary stent, is demonstrated in this video series.
The alpha-loop snaring...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Aghasti Preview Image

Pradyumna Agasthi, MD;  Elizabeth H. Stephens, MD, PhD;  William R. Miranda, MD;  Jason H. Anderson, MD;  Donald J. Hagler, MD

Pradyumna Agasthi, MD;  Elizabeth H. ...
A course of treatment is described demonstrating the challenges and potential complications of hybrid PVB stenting in a patient with challenging anatomy.
A course of treatment is described demonstrating the challenges and potential complications of hybrid PVB stenting in a patient with challenging anatomy.
A course of treatment is...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology


Clinical Videos

Dimitrios Karelas, MD;  John Papanikolaou, MD, PhD;  Nikolaos Platogiannis, MD, MSc

Dimitrios Karelas, MD;  John Papaniko...
Unilateral pulmonary edema, which manifests as a classic radiographic image, is usually misdiagnosed. This video series illustrates the diagnosis and treatment of a 72-year-old man with unilateral pulmonary edema.
Unilateral pulmonary edema, which manifests as a classic radiographic image, is usually misdiagnosed. This video series illustrates the diagnosis and treatment of a 72-year-old man with unilateral pulmonary edema.
Unilateral pulmonary edema,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
