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Medical University Vienna News

Medical University Vienna News ...
A prediction model can be used to identify people affected by venous thromboembolism who have only a low risk of recurrence and may not require long-term blood thinning.
A prediction model can be used to identify people affected by venous thromboembolism who have only a low risk of recurrence and may not require long-term blood thinning.
A prediction model can be used...
Cath Lab Digest

American College of Cardiology News

American College of Cardiology News ...
According to a new study, presented at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Quality Summit 2023, many health care facilities are still recovering from the pandemic and facing new challenges, causing D2B times to continue to lag.
According to a new study, presented at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Quality Summit 2023, many health care facilities are still recovering from the pandemic and facing new challenges, causing D2B times to continue to lag.
According to a new study,...
Cath Lab Digest

Harvard Medical School News

Harvard Medical School News
In a study conducted in zebrafish, the team discovered that heart cells start beating suddenly and all at once as calcium levels and electrical signals increase.
In a study conducted in zebrafish, the team discovered that heart cells start beating suddenly and all at once as calcium levels and electrical signals increase.
In a study conducted in...
Cath Lab Digest

MedAxiom News

MedAxiom News
The 2023 report includes 2022 data collected from 198 cardiovascular programs representing 5,806 total cardiovascular providers.   
The 2023 report includes 2022 data collected from 198 cardiovascular programs representing 5,806 total cardiovascular providers.   
The 2023 report includes 2022...
Cath Lab Digest

Mayo Clinic News

Mayo Clinic News
The new study highlights to patients and clinicians the continued reliability and effectiveness of the Pooled Cohort Equation (PCE) as a tool for assessing cardiovascular risk, regardless of statin use to lower cholesterol.
The new study highlights to patients and clinicians the continued reliability and effectiveness of the Pooled Cohort Equation (PCE) as a tool for assessing cardiovascular risk, regardless of statin use to lower cholesterol.
The new study highlights to...
Cath Lab Digest
Cardiovascular clinicians and stakeholders across the U.S. will converge at this year’s Summit to discuss the role of accreditation and registries in health equity initiatives, best practices for rebooting and rebranding health care quality,...
Cardiovascular clinicians and stakeholders across the U.S. will converge at this year’s Summit to discuss the role of accreditation and registries in health equity initiatives, best practices for rebooting and rebranding health care quality,...
Cardiovascular clinicians and...
Cath Lab Digest

Advanced Catheter Therapies News

Advanced Catheter Therapies News ...
The Occlusion Perfusion Catheter (OPC) is a multi‐lumen balloon catheter designed to temporarily occlude a specific region from blood flow to allow the targeted delivery of various therapeutic and diagnostic agents to the peripheral...
The Occlusion Perfusion Catheter (OPC) is a multi‐lumen balloon catheter designed to temporarily occlude a specific region from blood flow to allow the targeted delivery of various therapeutic and diagnostic agents to the peripheral...
The Occlusion Perfusion Catheter...
Cath Lab Digest

Cordis News

Cordis News
SELUTION SLR™ DEB technology is designed to balance both safety and efficacy with its use of MicroReservoirs made from biodegradable polymers intermixed with the anti-proliferative drug sirolimus.
SELUTION SLR™ DEB technology is designed to balance both safety and efficacy with its use of MicroReservoirs made from biodegradable polymers intermixed with the anti-proliferative drug sirolimus.
SELUTION SLR™ DEB technology is...
Cath Lab Digest

Anumana News

Anumana News
Developed in partnership with Mayo Clinic, Anumana’s ECG-AI LEF is an innovative software-as-a-medical device (SaMD) designed to screen for LEF in adults at risk for heart failure using data from a routine 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG).
Developed in partnership with Mayo Clinic, Anumana’s ECG-AI LEF is an innovative software-as-a-medical device (SaMD) designed to screen for LEF in adults at risk for heart failure using data from a routine 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG).
Developed in partnership with...
Cath Lab Digest

Tulane University News

Tulane University News
Taking at least 50 steps climbing stairs each day could significantly slash your risk of heart disease, according to a new study from Tulane University.
Taking at least 50 steps climbing stairs each day could significantly slash your risk of heart disease, according to a new study from Tulane University.
Taking at least 50 steps...
Cath Lab Digest