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Angiographic Series Demonstrating Percutaneous Management of a Mechanical Complication Post Mitral Valve Surgery in a Child

Video Supplement to “Percutaneous Management of a Mechanical Complication Post Mitral Valve Surgery in a Child,” by Dahdouh and Siblini (March Clinical Images).

A 4-year-old girl with congenital mitral regurgitation status post mechanical mitral valve replacement (MVR) at the age of 5 months underwent a redo MVR using a 21 mm aortic prosthesis implanted in an inverted position for progressed increased mitral valve gradient due to pannus formation. Post operatively, echocardiogram showed good mitral valve prosthesis function with severe depressed left ventricular function (ejection fraction, 19%) and markedly segmental dyskinesia in the lateral wall. The following coronary angiography series demonstrates her subsequent diagnosis and treatment.


