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Conference Coverage


Emry Lloyd

Emry Lloyd
Dr Houston and colleagues assessed the care capacity and improvement strategies of pediatric institutions that care for children with cancer.
Dr Houston and colleagues assessed the care capacity and improvement strategies of pediatric institutions that care for children with cancer.
Dr Houston and colleagues...
Journal of Clinical Pathways

Brandon Twyford

Brandon Twyford
Research presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium revealed unequal impacts on patients from recent policy changes preventing home delivery of prescription oncology medication.
Research presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium revealed unequal impacts on patients from recent policy changes preventing home delivery of prescription oncology medication.
Research presented at the 2023...
Journal of Clinical Pathways



Emry Lloyd

Emry Lloyd
In this study, Gunjan Sharma, MS, and colleagues examine the impact of end-of-life costs on patients and caregivers, and how it influences value-based care models for physicians.
In this study, Gunjan Sharma, MS, and colleagues examine the impact of end-of-life costs on patients and caregivers, and how it influences value-based care models for physicians.
In this study, Gunjan Sharma,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways

Brandon Twyford

Brandon Twyford
An innovative virtual consult pilot launched by Kaiser Permanente saw success in bridging the gap between oncologists and cancer subspecialists within the organization.
An innovative virtual consult pilot launched by Kaiser Permanente saw success in bridging the gap between oncologists and cancer subspecialists within the organization.
An innovative virtual consult...
Journal of Clinical Pathways

Brandon Twyford

Brandon Twyford
In this study, high alarm rates from ambulatory chemotherapy pumps that caused disruptions in dose deliveries were analyzed and a quality improvement program was initiated to address concerns over safe delivery of chemotherapy to patients.
In this study, high alarm rates from ambulatory chemotherapy pumps that caused disruptions in dose deliveries were analyzed and a quality improvement program was initiated to address concerns over safe delivery of chemotherapy to patients.
In this study, high alarm rates...
Journal of Clinical Pathways



Brandon Twyford

Brandon Twyford
Researchers examined the impact of the shift toward oral anti-cancer drugs and the consequent rise in costs within the Oncology Care Model. The abstract was presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium in Boston, Massachusetts.
Researchers examined the impact of the shift toward oral anti-cancer drugs and the consequent rise in costs within the Oncology Care Model. The abstract was presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium in Boston, Massachusetts.
Researchers examined the impact...
Journal of Clinical Pathways

Grace Taylor

Grace Taylor
A recent study by Bruno Scodari, MD, and colleagues characterized oncologists who travel to rural areas to provide more access to cancer care and examined the effectiveness of this outreach method in reducing travel burden on patients.
A recent study by Bruno Scodari, MD, and colleagues characterized oncologists who travel to rural areas to provide more access to cancer care and examined the effectiveness of this outreach method in reducing travel burden on patients.
A recent study by Bruno Scodari,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Dan Nardi, Reimagine Care.

Featuring Dan Nardi, CEO 

Featuring Dan Nardi, CEO 
Dan Nardi, CEO of Reimagine Care, details his session on the future of cancer care in the home at the 2023 CPC+CBEx conference.
Dan Nardi, CEO of Reimagine Care, details his session on the future of cancer care in the home at the 2023 CPC+CBEx conference.
Dan Nardi, CEO of Reimagine...
Journal of Clinical Pathways



Brandon Twyford

Brandon Twyford
An abstract presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium evaluated the impact of a quality improvement initiative to increase patient access to care and improve the overall patient experience.
An abstract presented at the 2023 ASCO Quality Care Symposium evaluated the impact of a quality improvement initiative to increase patient access to care and improve the overall patient experience.
An abstract presented at the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Debyani Chakravarty, PhD.

Featuring Debyani Chakravarty, PhD

Featuring Debyani Chakravarty, PhD ...
Debyani Chakravarty, PhD, from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, details her session on scaling precision medicine for equitable cancer care at the 2023 CPC+CBEx conference.
Debyani Chakravarty, PhD, from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, details her session on scaling precision medicine for equitable cancer care at the 2023 CPC+CBEx conference.
Debyani Chakravarty, PhD, from...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
