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Addressing Disparities in Cancer Care
COA Viewpoint
Kashyap Patel, MD, chief executive officer, Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates
Kashyap Patel, MD, discusses disparities in all aspects of cancer care: access to screening, access to care, the ability to pay for care, and more.
Kashyap Patel, MD, discusses disparities in all aspects of cancer care: access to screening, access to care, the ability to pay for care, and more.
Kashyap Patel, MD, discusses...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Financial Burden—for Patients and the Health Care System
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD
Winston Wong, PharmD, discusses the articles in this issue, which examine attitudes around financial toxicity as well as the financial burden of specific treatments and services in the growing older adult population.
Winston Wong, PharmD, discusses the articles in this issue, which examine attitudes around financial toxicity as well as the financial burden of specific treatments and services in the growing older adult population.
Winston Wong, PharmD, discusses...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
The Importance of Qualitative Research in Enhancing Understanding of Treatment Decisions, Outcomes, and Value Assessment
Pharma Insights
Suepattra G May, MPH, PhD
Meaghan Roach, MPH
Richard Murphy, BA
Suepattra May, MPH, PhD, and colleagues believe upfront qualitative research conducted directly with stakeholders is needed to generate both a baseline understanding of the patient perspective and to identify the appropriate themes and...
Suepattra May, MPH, PhD, and colleagues believe upfront qualitative research conducted directly with stakeholders is needed to generate both a baseline understanding of the patient perspective and to identify the appropriate themes and...
Suepattra May, MPH, PhD, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Clinical Pathways GPS
Empowered consumers, increasingly interoperable data, and scientific and technological advances are transforming the health care system we know today. Virtual health has the capacity to inform, personalize,...
Empowered consumers, increasingly interoperable data, and scientific and technological advances are transforming the health care system we know today. Virtual health has the capacity to inform, personalize,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Pharma Insights
Elizabeth Oyekan, PharmD, FCSHP, CPHQ
Andrew Cournoyer, RPh, MBA
The continued rise in health care spending continues to have a profound effect on the US economy and health care payers. The three complex drivers contributing to these increases include hospital, outpatient, and...
The continued rise in health care spending continues to have a profound effect on the US economy and health care payers. The three complex drivers contributing to these increases include hospital, outpatient, and...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
COA Viewpoint
Frederick M Schnell, MD, FACP
Recently, the Community Oncology Alliance Board of Directors submitted a letter to all 50 US governors to urge that local, independent oncology practices be given priority approval to administer COVID-19 vaccinations...
Recently, the Community Oncology Alliance Board of Directors submitted a letter to all 50 US governors to urge that local, independent oncology practices be given priority approval to administer COVID-19 vaccinations...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


COA Viewpoint
Fred Divers, MD
While the rollercoaster ride of 2020 is now over, the repercussions from events over those months will persist into 2021, creating new challenges for community oncology. How will practices adapt to the influx of new...
While the rollercoaster ride of 2020 is now over, the repercussions from events over those months will persist into 2021, creating new challenges for community oncology. How will practices adapt to the influx of new...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Advancing Technologies for Clinician Decision Support
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD
The volume of clinical information that physicians need to retain in order to help determine the best treatment options for their patients is growing to an untenable level. While the amount of data and research is...
The volume of clinical information that physicians need to retain in order to help determine the best treatment options for their patients is growing to an untenable level. While the amount of data and research is...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
Brian C Abraham, MPA
Martin Culjat, PhD
The acceleration of digital health adoption due to COVID-19 has been welcomed by patients, health care providers, and manufacturers, particularly as governing bodies have been slow to adapt these emerging...
The acceleration of digital health adoption due to COVID-19 has been welcomed by patients, health care providers, and manufacturers, particularly as governing bodies have been slow to adapt these emerging...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


COA Viewpoint
Nicolas Ferreyros, Managing Director, Community Oncology Alliance
Warning of the dangerous impact it will have on seniors with cancer, the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) Board of Directors has submitted a preliminary comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...
Warning of the dangerous impact it will have on seniors with cancer, the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) Board of Directors has submitted a preliminary comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
