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Roger Longman, MA
Transparent comparative evaluations are necessary for determining the relative value of drugs. But, in part because of the resistance of drug companies and payers, stakeholders are finding other tools to help...
Transparent comparative evaluations are necessary for determining the relative value of drugs. But, in part because of the resistance of drug companies and payers, stakeholders are finding other tools to help...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G. Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Scott Guerin, PhD
Payers and at-risk providers are developing clinical pathways with great specificity regarding the preferred drugs that be used. Increasingly, these pathways will include biosimilar products. There are three major...
Payers and at-risk providers are developing clinical pathways with great specificity regarding the preferred drugs that be used. Increasingly, these pathways will include biosimilar products. There are three major...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
Clinical pathways are most often associated with their use in oncology—specifying which drug to use for the treatment of which type of cancer. Yet, they have the potential to extend far beyond that. They can include...
Clinical pathways are most often associated with their use in oncology—specifying which drug to use for the treatment of which type of cancer. Yet, they have the potential to extend far beyond that. They can include...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Gary Owens, MD
The August 2015 edition of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings featured an article entitled, “In Support of a Patient-Driven Initiative and Petition to Lower the High Price of Cancer Drugs”.1 In that article, the authors...
The August 2015 edition of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings featured an article entitled, “In Support of a Patient-Driven Initiative and Petition to Lower the High Price of Cancer Drugs”.1 In that article, the authors...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
David R. Henderson, PhD
Charles L. Hooper, MS
Are there ways to make drugs more affordable without reducing the incentive to innovate? Dr. Owens makes two principal claims with which we agree. Any dialogue about the rising cost of cancer drugs must, as the...
Are there ways to make drugs more affordable without reducing the incentive to innovate? Dr. Owens makes two principal claims with which we agree. Any dialogue about the rising cost of cancer drugs must, as the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
We are excited to bring to you Journal of Clinical Pathways, which will serve as a forum for the exciting exchange of data, research, insights, and perspectives that will shape the foundation of value-based care.
We are excited to bring to you Journal of Clinical Pathways, which will serve as a forum for the exciting exchange of data, research, insights, and perspectives that will shape the foundation of value-based care.
We are excited to bring to you...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Editor's Page
JCP Editors
To lead the Journal of Clinical Pathways is a diverse board of 14 distinguished professionals within the health care sector committed to enhancing the discussion of value-based...
To lead the Journal of Clinical Pathways is a diverse board of 14 distinguished professionals within the health care sector committed to enhancing the discussion of value-based...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
