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Pharma Insights
Andrew Cournoyer, RPh, MBA
Larry Blandford, PharmD—Column Editor
The use of formulary exclusion lists is expanding—and such lists are beginning to shape the market by further limiting available drugs for narrow therapeutic areas while reducing redundancy of options in broader...
The use of formulary exclusion lists is expanding—and such lists are beginning to shape the market by further limiting available drugs for narrow therapeutic areas while reducing redundancy of options in broader...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G. Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Scott Guerin, PhD
Although the topic of health care will continue to be a political one, the continued growth of public health care spending suggests that the government will need to continue its shift toward improving the value of...
Although the topic of health care will continue to be a political one, the continued growth of public health care spending suggests that the government will need to continue its shift toward improving the value of...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
At the first Clinical Pathways Congress (September 16-18; Boston, MA), the official meeting of Journal of Clinical Pathways, one of the themes that came up continuously throughout the meeting was the importance of...
At the first Clinical Pathways Congress (September 16-18; Boston, MA), the official meeting of Journal of Clinical Pathways, one of the themes that came up continuously throughout the meeting was the importance of...
At the...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Bruce Feinberg, DO
Julia Braverman, PhD
Jennifer Fillman, MBA
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) research has shown that PROs must play a role in the future of health care delivery as the system transitions from volume-based care to value-based care. Building trust among...
Patient-reported outcome (PRO) research has shown that PROs must play a role in the future of health care delivery as the system transitions from volume-based care to value-based care. Building trust among...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Edward Stepanski, PhD
While the collection and reporting of patient-reported outcome data in oncology trials and care settings has yet to reach its full potential, it has made some progress in recent years. Patient-reported outcomes...
While the collection and reporting of patient-reported outcome data in oncology trials and care settings has yet to reach its full potential, it has made some progress in recent years. Patient-reported outcomes...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Stephen P McKenna, PhD, AFBPsS, CPsychol
Generic patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for cancer have outlived their utility. More relevant and accurate PROMs are required in order to demonstrate the true value of oncology interventions to...
Generic patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for cancer have outlived their utility. More relevant and accurate PROMs are required in order to demonstrate the true value of oncology interventions to...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G. Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Scott Guerin, PhD
As health systems become more prevalent, they are having increasing levels of control over treatment decisions, in coordination with physicians and managed care organizations. As a result of this increased level of...
As health systems become more prevalent, they are having increasing levels of control over treatment decisions, in coordination with physicians and managed care organizations. As a result of this increased level of...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Pharma Insights
Jeremy Schafer, PharmD, MBA
Controversy over the lack of a survival benefit associated with early diagnosis of prostate cancer through prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening has led to uncertainty in the determination of PSA coverage and its...
Controversy over the lack of a survival benefit associated with early diagnosis of prostate cancer through prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening has led to uncertainty in the determination of PSA coverage and its...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
One of the core goals of clinical pathways development has always been to make health care more patient-centered. However, a common complaint regarding clinical pathway development is that patients are often left out...
One of the core goals of clinical pathways development has always been to make health care more patient-centered. However, a common complaint regarding clinical pathway development is that patients are often left out...
One of...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Pharma Insights
Jeremy Schafer, PharmD, MBA
Kellie Rademacher, PharmD
Janet Serluco, MS
Attributing value in the rapidly expanding oncology space is a new challenge to payers looking to introduce a range of novel therapies where older drugs have long dominated. Rising costs across all levels of cancer...
Attributing value in the rapidly expanding oncology space is a new challenge to payers looking to introduce a range of novel therapies where older drugs have long dominated. Rising costs across all levels of cancer...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
