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Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
The ability to rewire human immune systems to fight cancer is certainly an exciting prospect. With the first 2 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapies approved and over 200 more in clinical trials,...
The ability to rewire human immune systems to fight cancer is certainly an exciting prospect. With the first 2 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapies approved and over 200 more in clinical trials,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
Developers and utilizers of clinical pathways need to understand that formulary systems encompass more than merely a list of medications approved by a managed care organization. These stakeholders should also factor...
Developers and utilizers of clinical pathways need to understand that formulary systems encompass more than merely a list of medications approved by a managed care organization. These stakeholders should also factor...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Pharma Insights
Philip Cyr, MPH
Larry Blandford, PharmD—Column Editor
Various forms of decision health analytic modeling have been used for the last 3 decades to assess potential health economic impact of new therapies. As initial gene and cellular therapies come to market, debate is...
Various forms of decision health analytic modeling have been used for the last 3 decades to assess potential health economic impact of new therapies. As initial gene and cellular therapies come to market, debate is...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
It is an exciting time in oncology care as innovative cellular and gene therapies come to market, with many more to come in the near future. While the promise of these therapies is certainly cause for enthusiasm,...
It is an exciting time in oncology care as innovative cellular and gene therapies come to market, with many more to come in the near future. While the promise of these therapies is certainly cause for enthusiasm,...
It is...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Alan Balch, PhD—Column Editor
Patients are not often given a voice in the development and implementation of clinical pathways, the main focus of which have been to provide treatment options and guidance primarily based on clinical medical...
Patients are not often given a voice in the development and implementation of clinical pathways, the main focus of which have been to provide treatment options and guidance primarily based on clinical medical...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Pharma Insights
Amanda Lever, BSc
Auralyn MacKenzie, BSc
Larry Blandford, PharmD—Column Editor
Health care has become increasingly digitalized, but until now drugs have escaped digitalization. Advancements in digital technologies are changing how we think about disease management and even disease treatment....
Health care has become increasingly digitalized, but until now drugs have escaped digitalization. Advancements in digital technologies are changing how we think about disease management and even disease treatment....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
All health care professionals recognize the Triple Aim, which is focused on outcomes, costs, and patient experiences. However, a fourth aim was added, which focuses on an essential, yet often forgotten, contribution...
All health care professionals recognize the Triple Aim, which is focused on outcomes, costs, and patient experiences. However, a fourth aim was added, which focuses on an essential, yet often forgotten, contribution...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
In our increasingly digital world, providers’ and patients’ voices and individual needs must be prioritized. When it comes to treating others or being treated for incredibly complex illnesses, the health and...
In our increasingly digital world, providers’ and patients’ voices and individual needs must be prioritized. When it comes to treating others or being treated for incredibly complex illnesses, the health and...
In our...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Pharma Insights
Ashwin Athri, MBA
Changing marketplace dynamics related to the demographics and economics of cancer care is making it necessary for health systems to adapt and invest in capabilities ranging from care coordination models to a...
Changing marketplace dynamics related to the demographics and economics of cancer care is making it necessary for health systems to adapt and invest in capabilities ranging from care coordination models to a...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
New policies and legislation related to health care reform mean that control over treatment selections may also shift within different markets. For professionals creating a clinical pathway for a disease state, it is...
New policies and legislation related to health care reform mean that control over treatment selections may also shift within different markets. For professionals creating a clinical pathway for a disease state, it is...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
