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Editor Insights

Editor Insights

Winston Wong, PharmD

Winston Wong, PharmD
Will payers push for services to be provided on an outpatient basis, thus placing financial burden upon the patient, or will they allow the oncologist or facility to use their discretion as to where the infusion will take place?
Will payers push for services to be provided on an outpatient basis, thus placing financial burden upon the patient, or will they allow the oncologist or facility to use their discretion as to where the infusion will take place?
Will payers push for services to...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor Insights

Winston Wong, PharmD

Winston Wong, PharmD
Clinical pathways may require a deeper consideration of the patient experience in order to achieve the goals of the Triple Aim, according to Winston Wong, PharmD.
Clinical pathways may require a deeper consideration of the patient experience in order to achieve the goals of the Triple Aim, according to Winston Wong, PharmD.
Clinical pathways may require a...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor Insights

Winston Wong, PharmD

Winston Wong, PharmD
While CAR T-cell therapies fill an unmet need in hematologic malignancies, they are not without risk and cost burdens, according to Winston Wong, PharmD.
While CAR T-cell therapies fill an unmet need in hematologic malignancies, they are not without risk and cost burdens, according to Winston Wong, PharmD.
While CAR T-cell therapies fill...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Editor Insights

Winston Wong, PharmD

Winston Wong, PharmD
The concept of clinical pathways—also referred to as “treatment pathways”, “patient pathways”, or simply “pathways”—can evoke different thoughts among different stakeholders. 
The concept of clinical pathways—also referred to as “treatment pathways”, “patient pathways”, or simply “pathways”—can evoke different thoughts among different stakeholders. 
The concept of clinical...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


