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Managing Y90 to the GI Tract with Dr. Oleksandra Kutsenko
In this brief interview, Oleksandra Kutsenko, MD at Red Rock Radiology Associates, shares how she successfully manages Y90 to the GI tract.
In this brief interview, Oleksandra Kutsenko, MD at Red Rock Radiology Associates, shares how she successfully manages Y90 to the GI tract.
In this brief interview,...
IO Learning
Dr. Raul Uppot
In this brief highlight from IO Learning’s interview with Dr. Raul Uppot, we discuss key points of HCC from this year which IO professionals must recognize.
In this brief highlight from IO Learning’s interview with Dr. Raul Uppot, we discuss key points of HCC from this year which IO professionals must recognize.
In this brief highlight from IO...
IO Learning
Dr. Keith Chan, MD
In this interview during Liver Cancer Awareness Month, we discuss with Dr. Keith Chan the need for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) liver cancer awareness.
In this interview during Liver Cancer Awareness Month, we discuss with Dr. Keith Chan the need for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) liver cancer awareness.
In this interview during Liver...
IO Learning
Dr. David Breen and Dr. Maxine Tran
Dr. Maxine Tran and Dr. David Breen discuss the partnership of interventional radiology and urology in the treatment of RCC. Some of the topics of specific interest are the collaboration between urologists and interventional radiologists,...
Dr. Maxine Tran and Dr. David Breen discuss the partnership of interventional radiology and urology in the treatment of RCC. Some of the topics of specific interest are the collaboration between urologists and interventional radiologists,...
Dr. Maxine Tran and Dr. David...
IO Learning
Dr. Kirema Garcia-Reyes, Dr. Yolanda Bryce, Dr. Leigh Casadaban, Yixuan Yuki Ji, Samantha Hager
A Panel With Yixuan Yuki Ji, Dr. Casadaban, Dr. Garcia-Reyes, and Dr. Bryce discussing some of the major equity topics in IO and how representation and a level of deep understanding of different cultures can benefit patients, data accuracy,...
A Panel With Yixuan Yuki Ji, Dr. Casadaban, Dr. Garcia-Reyes, and Dr. Bryce discussing some of the major equity topics in IO and how representation and a level of deep understanding of different cultures can benefit patients, data accuracy,...
A Panel With Yixuan Yuki Ji, Dr....
IO Learning
Dr Alan Sag
SIO2023 Highlights
Alan Alper Sag, MD, Assistant Professor, Duke Interventional Radiology and Duke Orthopaedic Surgery, discusses the current state and future of musculoskeletal interventions.
Alan Alper Sag, MD, Assistant Professor, Duke Interventional Radiology and Duke Orthopaedic Surgery, discusses the current state and future of musculoskeletal interventions.
Alan Alper Sag, MD, Assistant...
IO Learning
Dr Emily Rey
CIO2022 Highlights
Emily Rey, DO, discusses her CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-31 Making the Diagnosis: Increasing Cellular Yield of Pathology Samples Through a Motorized Rotating, Aspirating Device."
Emily Rey, DO, discusses her CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-31 Making the Diagnosis: Increasing Cellular Yield of Pathology Samples Through a Motorized Rotating, Aspirating Device."
Emily Rey, DO, discusses her...
IO Learning
CIO2022 Highlights
Duncan A. Stevens discusses his CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-20 Irreversible Electroporation for Recurrent Pelvic Metastases: Case Series and Literature Review."
Duncan A. Stevens discusses his CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-20 Irreversible Electroporation for Recurrent Pelvic Metastases: Case Series and Literature Review."
Duncan A. Stevens discusses his...
IO Learning
Brennan Cronquist
CIO2022 Highlights
B. Cronquist, 4th year medical student at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, discusses his CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-6 Irreversible Electroporation versus Radiofrequency Ablation as a Treatment Option...
B. Cronquist, 4th year medical student at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, discusses his CIO2022 abstract, "CIO 2022-6 Irreversible Electroporation versus Radiofrequency Ablation as a Treatment Option...
B. Cronquist, 4th year medical...
IO Learning