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Key Points of HCC With Dr. Raul Uppot

In this brief highlight, Dr. Raul Uppot discusses key points of HCC from this year which IO professionals must recognize.


In this brief highlight from IO Learning’s interview with Dr. Raul Uppot, M.D. and Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, we discuss key points of HCC from this year which IO professionals must recognize. Read the transcript below: 


IO Learning: 

What are some of the key points of HCC from this year that IO professionals should be talking about? 

Dr. Raul Uppot: 

There's a lot of exciting work that's going on in HCC. I think in all aspects of io, which include embolizations and immunotherapies and ablations. There's been progressive advancements in the field. I think the most exciting part of HCC management right now is the growth of immunotherapy drugs and the application, and testing of the application of these. I think that is one field that is growing and I think will continue to grow, and as the drugs get better, there's always going to be a lot of work in terms of how these new drugs can be combined with the current therapies we in interventional radiology offer, but there are other advancements in the field of IO for HCC. There are always advancements in the tools that we use. We did evolve from the days of doing radiofrequency ablation, or even alcohol ablation, to now having very efficient ablation devices that can treat HCC tumors.

There's a lot of talk about combining ablation and Y90 embolization to treat these tumors and it's very interesting at a lot of our multidisciplinary HCC conferences. Interventional radiology is a big part of this because we, at this point, do have a lot to offer in the management of these diseases. And so we are a big part of HCC, and every year when I come to [CIO] and I interact with my colleagues and other academic centers, it's good to see what work is being done and how we as a group are all advancing the field.


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