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Consensus Panel Recommendations on the Use of Placental-Based Allografts in the Surgical Setting

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The use of placental-based allografts (PBAs) to promote positive patient outcomes in the surgical setting is bolstered by years of evidence-based data involving PBAs in chronic wound treatment and specialty surgery applications such as ocular surgery. Even so, challenges faced by surgeons across surgical disciplines include educational gaps related to identifying patient candidates for PBA use with attention to comorbid conditions, determining surgical procedures best-suited for PBAs, understanding ways to properly integrate and optimize placental-based products, evaluating the costs of treatment, and a lack of published guidelines and algorithms. To address the educational gaps, a webinar presentation titled “Expert Consensus Panel Recommendations on Use of Placental-Based Allografts in the Surgical Setting” was released on July 23, 2021, by North American Center for Continuing Medical Education LLC, an HMP Global company, supported by an educational grant from MiMedx. This article reviews the webinar information presented by the 6-member program faculty consisting of surgeons practicing in general and colorectal, obstetrics and gynecology, reconstructive, foot and ankle, limb salvage, and vascular surgery. Key insights from this event and relevant literature review are presented in the discussions on the wound healing cascade, PBAs and their mechanism of action, product information, surgical setting applications, and cost-effectiveness.

Read the full recommendations below or click on the PDF above to view the full article. 


