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Ambulance Decontamination Before, During, & After COVID-19

First responders acted quickly to implement new protocols and safety standards once the COVID-19 pandemic hit. We explore what this transition looked like for this Philadelphia suburb EMS organization and seek answers to if the previous day-to-day operations will once again become the regular routine. Maintaining proper cleaning procedures and eliminating organisms from the surfaces within the ambulance and other emergency response vehicles became a priority, as did understanding the best methods in doing so. This webinar also explores how their ambulance decontamination technology view changed after the COVID-19 pandemic started. Learn about their best practices for decontamination, challenges met and overcome, and key data as to why it is important to expand upon existing decontamination protocols that may be in place.  


Jason Cole
Assistant Chief and Career Supervisor
Horsham Fire Company

Jason Cole is a 25-year Fire/EMS veteran who started as a Volunteer Firefighter in Chester County, PA where he advanced through the ranks to Fire Chief. During that time, he has served in a number of capacities as a State Fire Academy instructor and EMS instructor. Jason is a Certified Fire Officer, Instructor, and Nationally Registered Paramedic with a passion for common-sense leadership. Additionally, he is a member of the Chester County Technical Rescue Task Force certified in numerous rescue disciplines. For the last 11 years, he has served as a Firefighter/Paramedic and advanced to the rank of Assistant Chief and Career Supervisor of a staff of 41 members at the Horsham Fire Company in Montgomery County, PA. Horsham Fire Company staffs two stations with ALS ambulances and Fire/Rescue apparatus serving a suburban population of more than 26,000 in a 17-square-mile area outside of Philadelphia, PA.

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