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Pedi-Ed-Trics Emergency Medical Solutions
Fur babies are kids too. In the latest video tutorial from Pedi-Ed-Trics Emergency Medical Solutions, Lisa DeBoer and Xavier Indart cover the basics of canine CPR.
I had an EMS friend who sent me this video to watch. After viewing it, I found that some of the information within the video was incorrect. I wasn’t sure if you all know this, but there is an animal CPR certification that can be taken online, along with a hands on course. I teach in an accredited veterinary technology program and all of our students have to go through the RECOVER online certification, which teaches both basic and advanced canine and feline CPR. I am certainly glad that first responders are willing and able to help animals, as this is a huge step that was previously not taken, but it should be done so with proper training in a manner as to not overstep the veterinary medical professional scope of practice. I would be more than happy to connect you with the RECOVER training website so that veterinary CPR techniques can be taught to EMS personnel by an educated veterinary medical professional. I am hoping there is a potential for veterinary professionals and EMS to partner on this initiative, so we can all safely help animals that may be experiencing a medical emergency.
—Erin Butler