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When a heart stops beating, emergency medical crews spring into action with one goal—get it beating again. But even if all goes according to plan, and spontaneous circulation is restored, is the job of the medical community finished? Conventional healthcare has historically said yes—but groundbreaking research is beginning to shed light on the long and arduous journey that survivors ...
While COVID-19 is the most recent and certainly the most deadly global pandemic in recent memory, it wasn't the first and won't be the last. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Lifeline Special Operations Response Team (SORT) is a dedicated group of staff members who are committed to moving Lifeline patients with highly infectious disease safely. In August 2020, the SORT team transported its 1...
Our nation's healthcare system and the demands on its providers are constantly changing—and the current environment is bringing new challenges to the educational and certification processes. As a university rooted in emergency and safety services training, Columbia Southern University is proud to partner with EMS World and the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT...
Education has been one of the most significantly impacted segments from the COVID pandemic, as traditional in-person models have been forced to pivot to a fully remote training structure. What does this mean for "hands-on" fields such as EMS? This special supplement, produced in partnership with iSimulate, takes a look at EMS education today, and where we may be headed in the future....
Healthcare workers (HCWs) around the globe are fighting the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The mental health of many EMS personnel in badly hit communities was battered in the first round of the fight, and few have had time to properly recover before going in for round two.     The tidal wave of goodwill toward health workers seen in the early months of the pandemic helped ma...
Take Heart America is pleased to share the proceedings from the 2nd Annual International State of The Future of Resuscitation Conference, held at Parc Floral, Paris, France in October 2019. Thirty resuscitation experts presented important resuscitation work, advancements and successful outcomes to more than 350 EMS providers, including EMTs, paramedics, nurses, physicians, medical te...
In January 2000 EMS World was known as Emergency Medical Services Magazine. For that first issue of the new millennium we asked some industry veterans to predict the future of EMS. Twenty years later, we revisited those predictions for the September 2020 cover story.  Scanned from the original hard copy, please enjoy this look back at our January 2000 cover story, "Millennium EMS." ...
Keep yourself in compliance with the law and out of court. Larry Bennett, program chair for fire science and emergency management at the University of Cincinnati, publishes a monthly Fire & EMS and Safety Law newsletter. Bennett's 3rd edition of the comprehensive text EMS Law includes recent notable cases brought to verdict, chapters from the National Fire Academy's model course "...
Texas NAEMSP developed guidelines to help EMS agencies navigate protocol changes and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines were developed by the authors to meet the needs of their agencies and patient populations. EMS medical directors are encouraged to review and adopt these guidelines as best makes sense for their own individual departments and patient popula...