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EMS Transportation: Trends and Updates

Safety for EMS personnel begins with the equipment surrounding them: vehicles, restraint configurations, and patient transport technology. According to the National Safety Council, in 2019, 170 people died in crashes involving emergency vehicles. The majority of these deaths were occupants of non-emergency vehicles (63%). Deaths among pedestrians accounted for another 21%, while emergency vehicle drivers and emergency vehicle passengers each accounted for about 5% to 10% of the deaths. The majority of these deaths (74%) occurred in multi-vehicle crashes. Crashes involving police vehicles accounted for the most deaths (114), followed by ambulances (33), and fire trucks (23).

afety for EMS personnel begins with the equipment surrounding them: vehicles, restraint configurations, and patient transport technology. According to the National Safety Council, in 2019, 170 people died in crashes involving emergency vehicles. The majority of these deaths were occupants of non-emergency vehicles (63%). Deaths among pedestrians accounted for another 21%, while emergency vehicle drivers and emergency vehicle passengers each accounted for about 5% to 10% of the deaths. The majority of these deaths (74%) occurred in multi-vehicle crashes. Crashes involving police vehicles accounted for the most deaths (114), followed by ambulances (33), and fire trucks (23). This e-book discusses safety considerations when purchasing and operating ground ambulances.This e-book discusses safety considerations when purchasing and operating ground ambulances. Fill out the forms below to download the supplement.
