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Press Release

Pending Calif. Community Paramedic Bill in Need of Support

Editor's Note: This bill was officially withdrawn by its author shortly after the publication of this press release.

EMS Stakeholders:

AB-1650 (Maienschein) — Emergency Medical Services: Community Paramedicine

It appears this bill, which is intended to provide statutory authorization of community paramedic services, is on the verge of being withdrawn by the author.

The bill must be approved by Assembly Appropriations before the January 31 deadline.  As of today, it does not appear that there is sufficient support to expect the bill to be approved by the Committee.

The lack of support from the EMS system stakeholders has been underwhelming. The abundant lack of support by those groups that could reap some benefits from the proposal coupled with the significant opposition from California Nurses Association, and others, appears to be signaling the end of this bill.

Several stakeholder groups that expressed interest in the concept in Nov/Dec 2016 and January 2017 and indicated verbally that they would probably be supporting the bill, has never materialized into written, official support. Other groups that were initially apprehensive and sought amendments have not become supporters, despite the efforts to compromise and amend the bill to their liking. The CAA and the CHA are the only EMS Stakeholder groups that are on record as “in support.”

The CAA, the ambulance industry, and the hospitals are not the only potential beneficiaries of community paramedic services. However, seemingly there is insufficient interest or not enough benefits to other stakeholders to see this bill through.

If your organization is truly interested in keeping this bill alive, then you have a small window of opportunity to do so. Send (fax or email) your organization’s letter of support to Assembly Member Brian Maienschein by January 19.

Brian Maienschein 
Republican, District 77
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0077

You can also contact your local representative. Look here for yours:

Ross Elliott, CAA


