Student Measurement of Achievement on a Readiness Test (SMART): The Predictive Validity of an EMT Entrance Exam on Candidate Readiness
Objective—Continued growth in EMS has driven increasing demand for educational training. Thus, EMS programs must utilize effective precourse evaluative tools to identify candidates most likely to be successful and those who may require additional support. This study evaluates the use of the Fisdap EMT Entrance Assessment (EMTEA) as a valid predictive tool on the summative EMT Readiness Exam 2.0 (ERE2).
Method—A retrospective analysis of EMTEA and ERE2 exams was performed using data from Fisdap, an online database for EMS and healthcare education. EMTEA scores and exam subcategory scores (math, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and biology) were tested for predictive validity on the ERE2. Multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted using robust standard errors and controlling for potential confounders.
Results—A sample of 134 EMT students was included for analysis. Higher scores on the EMTEA positively correlated with higher scores on the ERE2 (B=0.290, p<0.0001). Higher scores in the domains of math (B=0.092, p=0.006), anatomy and physiology (B=0.158, p<0.001), and medical terminology (B=0.133, p=0.001) on the EMTEA also positively correlated with performance on the ERE2. Scores in the biology domain within the EMTEA were not predictive for overall ERE2 score.
Conclusion—As the demand for placement into EMS courses increases, educators must carefully assess the potential readiness of incoming students. The results of this study demonstrate a need for thorough consideration of a precourse entrance assessment. This will not only ensure student preparedness but will also help dictate EMT program resources necessary to provide for ultimate student success.