Federal Government Casualty Estimation and Decision-support Capabilities for Large-scale CBRNE Incidents
This presentation describes the capabilities and services of IMAAC -- the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center -- a 24/7 federal resource available to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency response, emergency management, and public health officials with free casualty estimation and decision support services for virtually any type of CBRNE event (including plans, training, and exercises). The session covers what IMAAC does, the models we use, what kinds of information we can provide, and how to access our services. The session will present case studies of IMAAC activations for the Arkema Chemical plant fire in Crosby, Texas following Hurricane Harvey in 2017, and the Maryville, Tenn. train derailment and Acrylonitrile release in 2015.