Deployment Compliance: The Newest Key Metric in High Performance EMS
Over 70% of first class passengers on American Airlines did not eat the olive in their salads. The meal was optimized by removing the olive and the change saved the airline $500,000 annually. Like olives in a salad, small changes in EMS operations and communications may have a huge impact on everything from finances to employee satisfaction. Merely adding more unit hours to your deployment does not equate to a higher quality of service; however, monthly response time success or failure often comes down to just a few calls, and those calls are often late by only seconds. The financial impact of those few seconds is huge fines far beyond the cost of the unit hour or even transport revenue. The key to saving essential seconds lies in System Status Management–Management (SSMM). Analyzing, quantifying, and reporting deployment compliance is a new key metric for agencies to manage and direct resource availability.