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Patient Care

World Stroke Day: Advocates Seek State-Level Action

Get Ahead of Stroke 


On World Stroke Day, Oct. 29, physicians from the Get Ahead of Stroke campaign are urging lawmakers to update triage and transport protocols, saying that if the nation’s stroke system of care looked more like our trauma triage system, patients would experience less disability, and more would survive.  

Nearly 20% of people who experience a stroke — 140,000 annually — die from their condition, and many more are left permanently disabled. It is the leading cause of adult disability in the U.S. The Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS), the sponsoring organization for the Get Ahead of Stroke campaign, says that, like trauma, better outcomes after a severe stroke depend on how quickly a patient gets appropriate treatment. 

“We now have scientifically proven techniques and devices to treat stroke patients by restoring blood flow,” said SNIS President Michael Chen, MD. “Where we have to catch up is in state-level policies that stymie first responders from taking patients to Level 1 stroke centers right away. If we could better organize and centralize state-level stroke triage, more patients could be treated sooner, which directly benefits outcomes." 

In a severe stroke, a clot blocks blood flow to the brain and deprives millions of brain cells of oxygen, so the key is removing the clot quickly. This can be achieved through mechanical thrombectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that uses a catheter, guided by x-ray, to remove the clot. But this procedure is best done by a specially trained neuroendovascular care team, which only 10% of all stroke centers are capable of providing. 

“The fact is that patients often go to a hospital without thrombectomy capability, and then must be transferred to one that has that capability. This wastes precious time,” added Chen. “The trauma system paved the way for patients to get the care they need immediately. This World Stroke Day, we need to better organize and centralize care for stroke patients too.”  

Get Ahead of Stroke is currently working to improve stroke care state-by-state through policy changes in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Through its public awareness and advocacy activities, the campaign has meaningfully improved on stroke systems in several states, benefitting thousands of stroke patients.  

Get Ahead of Stroke is a national public education and advocacy campaign designed to improve systems of care for stroke patients. Founded in 2016 by the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS), today the campaign is supported by a coalition of organizations with the goal of securing the best possible outcomes for stroke patients by driving policy change and public awareness nationwide.

World Stroke Day is a global awareness day established by the World Stroke Organization that provides a global platform for the stroke community to increase awareness and drive action on stroke around the world. 



