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Publishing Awards Recognize EMS World's 9/11, ECMO Coverage

EMS World Staff 

EMS World is a finalist for two 2022 Azbee Awards, the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) announced Wednesday.

The Azbee Awards “honor the best in business-to-business media, recognizing outstanding work by B2B, trade, association, and professional publications,” ASBPE says of its awards program. “One of the most competitive awards programs for trade media, the Azbees highlight editorial and design excellence within magazines, newsletters, digital, and social media.”

EMS World’s special 9/11 20th anniversary supplement “9/11: 20 Years Later,” published last September, is a national finalist. Find that in our supplements section at

The profile of Minnesota’s mobile ECMO program published in May 2021, “Mobile ECMO Comes to Minnesota,” is a regional finalist. Read that at

Find complete lists of both finalist groups at ASBPE reports more than 830 entries were received this year. More than 90 experienced B2B editors, freelancers, and designers judged them across 65 categories.

Final winners will be announced in April. 



