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Apply by April 5 for SAMHSA Addiction/Recovery Grants


The grant program provides first responders resources to carry and administer approved drugs for reversing opioid overdoses. (Photo: Intropin-Mark Oniffrey/Wikimedia Commons)
The grant program provides first responders resources to carry and administer approved drugs for reversing opioid overdoses. (Photo: Intropin-Mark Oniffrey/Wikimedia Commons)


Applications are due April 5 for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Support Services Act grant program. 

The purpose of this program is to provide resources to first responders and members of other key community sectors at the state, tribal, and other government levels to train on, carry, and administer federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)-approved drugs and devices for emergency reversal of known or suspected opioid overdose. Recipients will be expected to establish processes, protocols, and mechanisms for:

  • Referral to appropriate treatment and recovery support services; and

  • Safety around fentanyl, carfentanil, and other dangerous licit and illicit drugs

The populations of focus are:

  • Populations disproportionately impacted (relative to national averages) by opioid use as evidenced by high rates of opioid and other drug-related overdose;

  • Primary treatment admissions; and

  • Overdose rates

Applicant organizations must also demonstrate that their population of focus is underserved as demonstrated by a lack of accessibility to treatment providers, emergency medical services, and recovery and other psychosocial support services.

SAMHSA plans to issue 21 awards of up to $250,000–$800,000 per year for up to 4 years. 

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