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Ky. Fire Department Offers First Responder Training

Nola Sizemore

July 30--Evarts Fire Chief Cledo Powers issued an invitation to all first responders across the county, during a recent special-called meeting of the city council, to attend state required driver training on Aug. 8-9 in Evarts. The event is being hosted by the Evarts Fire Department.

This 16-hour State Fire Commission training will instruct first responders on how to drive when responding to an emergency situation, as well as a cone driving course Powers said. The two-day event will be held behind the old Evarts High School where a tractor-trailer will be brought in with three simulators for the training he added.

Powers said the Fire Commission/State Fire Rescue Training's mobile training facility is the Mobile Driver Training Simulation Lab, commonly referred to as the Drivers Training Simulator.He said the Mobile Driver Training Simulation Lab is based on a "learning by doing" theory.

The trailer housing the simulation lab is a 50 feet tri-axle according to the State Fire Commission's website. The trailer includes a curbside slide out, which increases the internal working space. It has two 12 KW on-board generators or it can be operated through a shoreline.

The simulation lab is composed of three simulators, which can be operated independently or as a networked group. Two of the simulators provide experience with larger vehicles, including engines/pumpers, aerials, tankers, rescue units, brush trucks, and box style ambulances. The third simulator provides experience on smaller vehicles, including chief vehicles, law enforcement vehicles and van style ambulances.

The simulators provide a virtual visual driving environment with software which enables the student vehicle to respond to the environment and operator maneuvers, including speed, road friction, wind and driver inputs according to the State Fire Commission.

"This training is for everyone in the county -- police, fire, ambulance, rescue squad -- all first responders," said Powers. "Well-trained first responders are needed when emergency situations happen. They must be prepared for all hazards they might encounter including road, traffic and weather conditions. That is why this training is so important to attend."

On another note, Powers said his department is now required to provide financial minutes. He said his department is complying.

During the month of June, Powers reported one structure and one brush fire. He said his department saved the structure during that reported fire.

Reach Nola Sizemore at 606-573-4510 or on Twitter @Nola_hde

Copyright 2015 - Harlan Daily Enterprise, Ky.


