FDA Warns of `Benadryl Challenge`
The Food and Drug Administration has put out a warning about Benadryl in light of an alleged TikTok trend.
Some teens have been using the over-the-counter allergy medicine, also known as diphenhydramine, as part of a challenge on the social network, the FDA said.
WKFOR in Oklahoma City reported that a 15-year-old girl died in August from an overdose of Benadryl. According to the report, the girl had been trying to “trip out” or hallucinate after taking more doses of the drug than recommended. The “challenge” can reportedly involve more than a dozen doses of the drug, and was linked with three teens in Forth Worth, Texas who ended up in the hospital this past spring.
The FDA’s warning said the large doses of the antihistamine can causes seizures as well as heart problems. There is also the potential for such a dose to land someone in a coma or even kill them. The administration cited reports of Benadryl landing teens in emergency rooms in its guidance Thursday.
“We are investigating these reports and conducting a review to determine if additional cases have been reported,” the FDA said in a statement. “We will update the public once we have completed our review or have more information to share. We also contacted TikTok and strongly urged them to remove the videos from their platform and to be vigilant to remove additional videos that may be posted.”
A search of the hashtag #BenadrylChallenge on TikTok currently yields no results, though there are videos of people who say they’re on Benadryl.
The FDA recommended that parents store Benadryl away from children and lock up medicine to prevent misuse.