S.C. Golf Tournament to Raise Money for First Responders
April 01--The River Golf Club, in North Augusta, will play host to a golf tournament to help Support 1. The April 18 tournament will benefit the locally based organization that offers assistance for police officers, firemen and other emergency responders in the wake of particularly traumatic events.
"This year, we'll have not one but two cars available for hole-in-one prizes," said Michael Ford, vice chairman and co-founder of the organization, which dates back to 2012 and serves 18 counties spread between Georgia and South Carolina.
"We're going to be giving away a Harley-Davidson, and a garage makeover sponsored by Sears of Aiken," he said. "Those are all going to be hole-in-one prizes. We will be replacing last year's helicopter ball drop with a fire truck ball drop."
The Sage Mill Fire Department will furnish its platform ladder truck to drop the balls from more than 100 feet, with a prize to be given for each ball that winds up in the hole. "Somebody's guaranteed to win $1,000," Ford said.
A shotgun start is planned for 10 a.m., and cost to participate is $400 for four players, with a $100 discount for a team with an active or retired emergency responder.
Support 1 looks to help emergency responders "with organized training and additional funding for departmental needs before, during and after critical incidents," according to its website.
"Since many departmental budgets are not prepared to provide funding for these services, Support 1 will obtain funding through donations and fundraising events to assist these departments," Ford said.
Top sponsors are Greg's Gas Plus and Bridgestone, and corporate and hole sponsorships are still available, Ford added. For more information, call 706-830-6963 or email info@support1.org.
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