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Pa. City`s EMS, Citizens Fire Company Gives Awards for Members` Service

Frank Andruscavage

March 02--MAHANOY CITY -- The Citizens Fire Company No. 2 and Mahanoy City EMS honored outstanding members and presented an award to the retiring borough fire chief, who is also a longtime member of the company.

The awards were presented during the company's recent annual banquet celebrating 146 years of fire service in the borough and also 77 years of EMS service.

Paul A. "P.J." Brutto Jr. was honored with the Citizen of the Year Award for 2016, presented to him by last year's recipient, Julius Dudash.

Dudash said Brutto was selected for his dedication to both the fire company and EMS sections.

"He literally lives firefighting and EMS," Dudash said.

He commended Brutto for his intelligence, commitment, dedication and selflessness, not only to the company but to the communities he serves.

Brutto serves as secretary of the fire company, a lieutenant of Tower 456 and is an assistant EMS chief, as well as being a paramedic with Shenandoah ALS.

Honored with the EMS Person of the Year Award was John J. "Juggles" Bowman Jr., who received the award from Ken Soult, Mahanoy City EMS chief.

Soult said Bowman is a member of the company for 10 years and is highly trained in both firefighting and EMS procedures.

Bowman serves as an assistant EMS chief and is also a lieutenant on Tower 456.

A special award was presented to Mahanoy City Fire Chief Randall Kalce, a longtime member of the Citizens Fire Company, serving in various positions there including assistant chief.

The award presented to Kalce by company President Harry Wagner Jr. read that it was given by officers and members of the Citizens Fire Company: "In recognition of 20 years of Outstanding and Dedicated Service."

Kalce announced earlier this year he is retiring as fire chief of the borough, prompting a selection committee to be formed to select a replacement.

Wagner and current Assistant Fire Chief Sean Macleary highlighted several of Kalce's accomplishments while serving as chief including department-wide training, minimum training requirements and the formation of pre-plans for structures such as the Mahanoy Area school complex and the Mahanoy City high rise.

Both Macleary and Wagner said Kalce and his outstanding leadership will be greatly missed when he steps down as head of the department.

Wagner then presented Life Membership status to Tom Ward Sr., Robert Wagner, William Paul, Anthony Urban and Robert Thompson.

Receiving a pin for 25 years of service was Gary Gnall, while Mike Ansbach, Paul Kalce and Joseph Oliva were presented with pins for 35 years of service.

The program for the evening was presented by Dave Houseal, a retired Harrisburg firefighter, who presented an enlightening program about the Harrisburg Fire Department and its historical significance in the history of firefighting in Pennsylvania.

Houseal is a prominent central Pennsylvania fire historian collecting, archiving, writing and researching local history for more than 30 years and is also the author of five books published about local fire service history.

Copyright 2016 - Republican & Herald, Pottsville, Pa.


