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Texas Fire Department Honors Paramedic/Firefighter

James Draper

Dec. 19--Marcus Haney was the sure choice, Johnny Bellows says.

According to Kilgore's fire chief, the city's Firefighter of the Year -- a firefighter paramedic assigned to Station 1, A-shift -- was nominated by his peers for his work ethic, dependability and willingness to go the extra mile.

Similarly, Bellows bestowed his annual Chief 's Award on Orgill's Victor Price for his dedication and consistent generosity toward Kilgore Fire Department and the broader community.

"Vic has been involved with the Chamber of Commerce for many years and is a strong supporter for the City of Kilgore," Bellows explained, praising the man for his personal efforts and his professional assistance as Orgill's vice president of distribution for the southwest region. "Vic is a supporter of the fire department throughout the year assisting in many projects."

The recognition came Dec. 12 at KFD's annual banquet at Meadowbrook Golf & Event Center. The department's administrators also lauded several other employees (alongside Kilgore Rescue Unit volunteers) who stood out during 2015.

According to Bellows, KFD Driver Jason Young and Firefighter Nathan Gardner were presented Special Service Awards for their deployment to assist in wild land fires during the Hidden Pines fire in Bastrop County in October. The men were on-site for nine days while aiding the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System, and each received a certificate from State Rep. John P. Cyrier.

In addition to rewarding attendance bars to 11 firefighters, the department presented Years of Service bars to Capt. Jason Cottrell (15 years), Capt. Justin Stephenson (15), Capt. Michael Stanley (10) and Driver Kacy Moore (5).

Cottrell, Corinne Moore and Jovane Rossum each received the Life Saving bar and the Fire Service Commendation bar earlier in the year following a swift water rescue in Rusk County. Jonathan Beasley, Haney and Kacy Moore previously earned Life Saving bars for a CPR save, and Kilgore Fire Marshal Brandon Bigos received the Medal of Valor earlier in the year after disabling a gunman in August 2014 on Peach Street.

According to Bellows, KFD's Firefighter of the Year was instrumental in projects where he supplied his personal tools, materials and equipment in work at the department's administrative offices and Station 1.

"In a community service project he oversaw the construction of building a wooden ramp for a citizen in need, at no cost to the citizen," Bellows added. "Marcus is known in the department for his quiet get down to business attitude."

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