Kan. High School Class First in Area to Use School CPR Kit
Nov. 15--Jan Frieb has taught CPR classes at Trinity Catholic High School for 24 years, but this year she's the first instructor in South Central Kansas to use a new tool to teach the important skills to her students.
This American Heart Association (AHA) tool is called the "CPR in Schools Training Kit" and is a kit that the AHA is hoping to get into all Kansas high schools.
"They would like to make it a mandate for all high school kids before they graduate from high school to get certified and learn CPR skills," said Frieb, who teaches physical education at Trinity. "I believe about half of the states have a mandate in place -- and Kansas is not one of them."
The kit has 10 training Mini Anne Plus inflatable manikins, 10 take-home DVDs if students miss class or need a refresher, kneel pads, a classroom carry bag, extra lungs and alcohol wipes, among other things.
"This method is a research-proven way for students to learn and retain lifesaving skills," said Angela Breer, spokeswoman for the AHA Midwest Affiliate via email.
The training kit allows for about 30,000 compressions -- which is nearly 3 years, she said.
It was donated by Dr. Tom Smith, a-retired otolaryngologist with Pease & Smith MD PA. This year the class also has an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) which goes through different scenarios that a patient could be in during a heart event.
Smith's decided he'd reach out to Frieb to see if the kit was something the school would use after learning about it at the Reno County Heart Walk, where AHA officials mentioned it in their presentation.
"It was very nice and generous for him to get this going for us," Frieb said.
Although his children attended Trinity, and a few grandchildren are now attending the school, Smith said he donated the kit because CPR is an important skill for people to learn.
In the past, Frieb had to rent manikins from Hutchinson Regional Medical Center or Hutchinson Community College -- now, the kit is hers to use at the school.
She says now she can work on her own schedule, which makes the kit very convenient. She said she knows the students can't hurt the manikins, either, and the kit is very easy to use.
Freshman student Jordan Galliher, 14, of Hutchinson said she's already noticed a difference.
"It's a lot easier to be able to practice when you have a lot more manikins. Because when we first started we had one and we all had to take turns, and now it's a lot easier to learn," she said.
The students are also able to spread out in the gym and have noticed they are getting more done and moving on to subsequent steps more quickly.
She also critiques us so we know how to help someone properly, said freshman student Isaac Miller, 14, of Hutchinson.
"I think it's a useful skill. I think all people need to know how to perform CPR -- really helping people in a critical time is a service to people," Frieb said.
A few students have even come back and told her that they've used the skills to help save lives.
The most recent story came from a male student a couple years ago. He said a woman was having a stroke at Walmart and he was able to help her and get someone to call 911.
"He was excited to tell me about that," she said, smiling. "That's what this is all about."
Smith isn't the only one who has been gracious enough to help Frieb's class. A handful of Hutchinson Fire Department firefighters come out every year to help her perform the skills test -- so she doesn't' have to sit with over 50 freshmen students alone.
The students have already worked with the manikins and the kit, but will be using it more throughout the semester to further improve their skills. The skills test will serve as the class final, which Frieb said will be held before Christmas.
She also offers the class to students who want to be re-certified, and even teachers and coaches.
Freshman Katie Neal, 15, who is currently in Frieb's class says she plans to re-certify after her certification runs out to make sure she can help someone in their time of need.
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