Okla. City Plans Support Rally for Emergency Responders
Feb. 26--An "E Pluribus Unum" public rally to support emergency responders is set from 1 to 3 p .m. March 7 at the Oklahoma City Downtown Airpark, 1701 S Western Ave.
The theme for the rally represents the action of "Many Uniting Into One," according to a news release from organizers.
"Our objective is to show that support apolitically by involving all citizens whose voices are normally not heard, but who represent the 'silent' majority of Oklahomans and Americans," said Don Gardner, rally chairman. "It is time for the majority to stand up physically and vocally for law enforcement, firefighters and EMS personnel."
Several events have been planned for the rally, including live music from bagpipe players, support statements from state and local officials, and a testimony from former criminal Jed Chappell, now associate campus pastor of Victory Church.
Chappell spent time in prison after attempting to shoot an Oklahoma City police officer while involved in a robbery, according to the news release.
Once he left life behind bars, Chappell wanted to apologize to the officer he tried to shoot and who shot back at him in self-defense. Chappell became a pastor who counsels troubled youths and met the officer, who accepted his apology and asked for his help with a family member struggling to overcome drugs, organizers said.
People who attend the rally are encouraged to wear blue in support of police, firefighters and emergency medical service personnel. Hand-held signs will be available, courtesy of Graftec Communications, for community members to take in a show of support.
Free parking will be available at the airpark.
For more information, contact Gardner at 650-9909 or donald5@cox.net.
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