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Md. City Holds Disaster Exercise

Ben Weathers

Nov. 06--The scenario: it's Christmas Eve morning and a winter storm is dropping 1 to 2 inches of heavy, wet snow on Annapolis per hour.

Mayor Mike Pantelides has declared a local state of emergency amid power outages throughout the city. Inside the city's Emergency Operations Center, workers are fielding calls from residents asking when their streets will be plowed and what shelters have been opened.

Around 9:30 a.m. they receive a call that a dog is on the ice at Truxtun Park. Before firefighters can respond, a resident climbs out onto the ice and falls through.

Firefighters try to pull them to the dock using a life preserver but fail. They are forced to call for the city's fire boat.

The boat heads up Spa Creek. A firefighter on the stern reaches out with a pole and makes the grab.


Of course, none of this is real. It's all just an exercise to prepare city personnel for the real thing, should it ever happen.

On Thursday, the city of Annapolis held its annual citywide disaster preparedness drill. In past years, the city simulated a tornado and hurricane.

City personnel are tested with numerous scenarios in the simulation, said Chief Kevin Simmons, director of the city's Office of Emergency Management.

"We don't want any stone left unturned," Simmons said. "We throw everything at them."

A few dozen people representing each city department buzzed around the Emergency Operations Center, in the city's police headquarters on Taylor Avenue, Thursday morning. Firefighters phoned the city's call center reporting various scenarios created by the Office of Emergency Management.

Daniel Bucheli, the city's Hispanic liaison, composed ficticious updates on social media. In a real event, the city will attempt to keep all segments of its population informed, city spokeswoman Rhonda Wardlaw said.

City personnel were divided into two groups that participated in the simulation in staggered shifts.

Ward 4 Alderwoman Sheila Finlayson, who chairs the city council's public safety committee, attended the exercise.

"It's invaluable," Finlayson said. "This is like practice for the real thing."

Ward 1 Alderman Joe Budge also participated.

"This is where we as a city figure out the kinks between the departments -- who carries out which particular task," Budge said.

During a particular snowy winter earlier this year, the biggest issue in Ward 1 was snow removal, Budge said.

It was City Manager Thomas Andrews' first such exercise since being appointed by the City Council in September.

Andrews previously was a manager of Fulton County, Ga.

"I'm impressed with the operation," Andrews said. "This is as good or equipped (Emergency Operations Center) as I've ever seen."

Although no major issues were identified, the city will be looking at different areas where snow can be piled, as well as the potential of obtaining additional contractors to help with snow removal, Andrews said.

Copyright 2014 - The Capital, Annapolis, Md.