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Grant Program Could Help Fund Public Safety Radio System in Pa.

Kevin Flowers

Nov. 02--The Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority has a mechanism in place that could help fund a proposed new $26.4 million countywide radio system for local emergency responders.

Perry Wood, the authority's executive director, said that although neither he nor authority board members have had serious discussions with local officials about the radio proposal -- and the authority has yet to commit funding to the project -- the authority's Multi-Municipal Collaboration grants program, which started in 2012, could be a good fit.

The grant program gives governmental groups and Erie County's 38 municipalities a chance to work together on projects.

Wood talked about the radio project after comments were made by County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper, and others, about the Gaming Revenue Authority becoming a possible funding source for the multimillion-dollar "next generation" radio system for the region's emergency responders.

The system would allow local emergency responders to communicate on common frequencies and replace the fragmented system they now use.

"This is the clear-cut mechanism for municipalities to access gaming funds for the radio project," Wood said. "Nobody from the county has approached us, and no one from the municipalities has approached us. However, we would be more than happy to get together and talk to folks about how they can apply for the funding."

The maximum amount for such grants is $100,000. Each grant must have a minimum of two parties, which could include a municipal government, municipal authority, the Erie Area Council of Governments or another intergovernmental group that operates in Erie County.

Dahlkemper wants Erie County Council to sign off on using $10.5 million in county reserve funds to make debt payments for at least the first five years of a 20-year capital improvement bond to fund the radio system. The request is part of Dahlkemper's proposed $96.3 million county budget for 2015.

In addition to gambling revenues, other potential funding sources for the radio system could be grants; private funds from businesses and foundations; contributions from affected municipalities, police agencies, volunteer fire departments and ambulance companies; or additional county funds.

Erie County Council has the final say on whether to fund the radio system.

Councilman Edward T. DiMattio Jr. said he expects council members to talk with Wood and Gaming Revenue Authority board members soon about the issue.

"We need to have conversations with everyone all the way to Washington, D.C., about how to get money for this," DiMattio said.

McMurray-based MCM Consulting Group Inc., which conducted a $65,190 county-funded study of the radio issue, has concluded that the current system in use countywide, which includes both high-band and low-band frequencies, is inefficient and should be scrapped.

MCM recommends a system that puts all agencies into a single band of UHF radio frequencies, saying that is a more reliable, high-frequency option.

KEVIN FLOWERS can be reached at 870-1693 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at

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