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NAEMSP Committee Distributes Initial Draft of Prehospital EBG Strategy Project

The steering committee of the NAEMSP Prehospital Evidence-Based Guidelines (EBG) Strategy project is pleased to distribute the initial draft of the Prehospital EBG Strategy. The committee requests comments and suggestions by October 20.

This project began in August of 2013 through funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the EMS for Children Program at the Health Resources and Services Administration. The project’s goal is to develop a comprehensive and sustainable national strategy to promote the development, implementation and evaluation of prehospital evidence-based guidelines.

The steering committee engaged a diverse group of EMS stakeholders representing medical organizations, EMS organizations, research institutions, and Federal partners to obtain input for the strategy. Through an in-person meeting and several conference calls, action items of the strategy were developed focusing on research, education, development, implementation, evaluation and funding of EBGs. An overarching recommendation made with stakeholder input was the creation of a Prehospital Guidelines Consortium that would involve representatives from stakeholder organizations and provide synergism of efforts and coordination of the other action items identified in the strategy.

NAEMSP asks that representatives of stakeholder organizations review this strategy and provide input prior to finalizing the document. Specifically, comments are requested on:

1. Whether you support creation of the Prehospital Guidelines Consortium as detailed.

2. Your organization’s role (if identified) as outlined in the individual action items of the Strategy.

3. Additional input on individual action items and methods to promote prehospital EBGs.

Please review the Draft Prehospital EBG Strategy and submit comments to no later than October 20, 2014.