EMT Student Saves Man at R.I. Walmart
CRANSTON, R.I. - It was the day before Thanksgiving when Greg Carcieri was at the customer service desk inside Walmart in Cranston, when he heard a 911 call come over the store radio. A frantic manager found him and led him into the men's room where a 22 year-old male was on the bathroom floor turning blue.
Carcieri described the situation to NBC 10. "I crawled under the bathroom stall, opened the stall so the manager and everybody else could see what was going on. I then felt the patient for a pulse, saw that he had one so I knew I didn't have to perform CPR immediately."
How did he know? Carcieri is a volunteer firefighter with the Hopkins Hill fire department, and he is also an EMT student at 911 Programs in Warwick. He used a CPR dummy to demonstrate to NBC 10 what he did next.
See the full article and video: EMT student saves man at Cranston Walmart