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`Spice` sickens five more victims

Michael Hall

Sept. 04--Five more people required emergency treatment the past two days in Glynn County after inhaling so-called synthetic marijuana, bringing the total during the past two weeks to 14.

With 14 known adverse reactions to herbs chemically treated to mimic the effects of marijuana and at least six deaths in August linked to the substance in Clarke County, Ala., north of Mobile, Police Chief Matt Doering is concerned the worst could happen here.

"People have died and people will die," Doering said Tuesday. He does not want the next person to die to be from Glynn County.

Doering said paramedics responded to three calls Monday for people suffering from complications from synthetic marijuana, also known as "spice" for one of the more common brand names, and two calls Tuesday morning.

One of the cases involved a 14-year-old girl. In some cases, the people were unresponsive and later awoke, and in some cases the users became violent and combative with paramedics.

Doering did not identify any of the victims, because at this point they have not broken any laws by possessing or using the legal substance.

Synthetic marijuana has been on the radar of police for several years, but the recent local spike in emergency calls has added a medical urgency to identify chemicals in the psychoactive designer drug.

A rash of complications began Aug. 22 in Glynn County, when eight people required emergency medical treatment.

"It is a lot worse than a lot of the other stuff," Doering said of the immediate health problems and increased chances of cardiac arrest caused by chemicals producers spray on leafy materials.

In many instances, violent side effects from inhaling or smoking spice are the opposite of those associated with illegal marijuana, which Doering says has a reputation for making people less violent and less motivated.

"Who knows what they're putting on this stuff," Doering said of the synthetic product.

County investigators say brands of synthetic marijuana being smoked locally include Crazy Clown, Shamrock and Black Lion, and have been purchased at Mary Jane's Emporium on Altama Avenue. Doering says the store's owner has surrendered his inventory of brands police have identified as causing medical emergencies.

But narrowing down what forms of spice are legal or illegal is not simple.

The state Legislature has passed laws that outlaw synthetic marijuana, but to pass constitutional muster, those laws must specify the chemical compounds that are being outlawed. Doering says producers of the designer drug can skirt the law by altering ingredients each time a new chemical is outlawed.

"That's the problem we face. We have to prove it's criminal," Doering said.

Glynn County police cleared the shelves of spice at stores like Mary Jane's in March but had to wait until May to receive laboratory test results on the different brands' chemical makeups. Doering says police are still waiting for results from the recent rash of spice-related incidents.

Until there is a field test kit that can accurately identify illegal compounds, the police department's ability to fight spice will be curtailed.

"It's very problematic for law enforcement," Doering said.

For now, Doering can only inform the public about the dangers of spice.

Practicing personal responsibility and staying away from spice altogether is the best way to avoid its dangerous effects, but Doering knows that "we can't protect people from their own foolishness."

-- Reporter Michael Hall writes about public safety, environment and other local topics. Contact him at, on Facebook or at 265-8320, ext. 320.

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