Calif. Responders Train for Active Shooter Scenario
Aug. 02 -- RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- The calls came in over the dispatch radio on Thursday "multiple shots fired inside the movie theater at Victoria Gardens."
San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies and Rancho Cucamonga firefighters responded to the crime scene in full ballistic gear. Sheriff's deputies entered through a side door, guns drawn, preparing themselves for the hostile environment.
Inside, people screamed for help. Sheriff's deputies entered each screening room looking to eliminate the threat that had already injured so many.
In one wing, a man was found laying on the ground near the exit, his daughter was laying motionless beside him "" the two had been trying to escape when they were shot.
The movie they were watching was still projected on the screen. The room was dark, only illuminated by the lights in the walkway and the deputies' flashlights. If it wasn't a drill, it would have been a horrific sight.
Nearly 100 sheriff's deputies were utilized over the 4-day training session that re-enacted an active shooter inside a crowded theater. About 86 firefighters, plus
management, participated as well. Other departments came to observe.
Thursday was the last day of the training. It came a year after the theater shooting in Aurora Colorado where 12 people died and 70 were injured.
"It actually gets your adrenaline pumping really good, even though you know it's training," said Cpl. Randy Naquin of the Sheriff's Department. "When people start screaming it gets pretty real."
During the drill, the theater looked disheveled. Six sheriff's deputies with ballistic gear "" helmets, vests and weapons "" moved slowly, in a single file line through the lobby. They surveyed the scene with their guns drawn.
Items from the concession stand -- popcorn containers, soda cups, candy wrappers "" were strewn across the floor, giving the impression that theater patrons has made a quick exit from the building.
Amongst the litter was a hand grenade "" evidence that the hypothetical suspects had come with the intention to do some serious damage.
Deputies saw it when they scanned the room, called it out, marked it as evidence and left it for investigators to find.
"We want to try and make this as real as possible," said Jodi Miller, a sheriff's spokeswoman.
Miller said just the day before in Michigan authorities arrested a man wearing body armor and carrying a loaded pistol and extra rounds.
"He was apprehended before anything happened," she said.
Fire officials said their department has done more than 100 training scenarios in about four years.
"This is our first time doing it in a movie theater," said Ofer Lichtman, terrorism liaison officer with the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Department. "Unfortunately, this is a reality."
When sheriff's deputies secured the scene on Thursday, firefighters were allowed in.
"Fire is willing to accept a higher level of responsibility in these scenarios," said Sheriff's Sgt. Paul Schaefer.
Those participating in the drill wore a different uniform than they were used to -- more protection for a more violent environment.
"Now we have more ballistic gear and body armor for the paramedics entering the scene," Lichtman said. "They have to train in that. They have to learn how to move in it."
Bodies were strewn across the floor, some moaning for help. One boy ran down the hall and collapsed on the floor, yelling that he had been shot.
Paramedics attended to the victims by setting up triage centers and helping people get out of the building.
A lot of learning happens during these drills, officials said Thursday. The hectic situation teaches them how to make critical decisions in stressful times.
"The way you train is the way you're going to act in a real life situation," Naquin said.
Copyright 2013 - San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.