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San Francisco Muni Bus, Trolley Collide, 15 Injured

Vivian Ho and Will Kane

June 13--A low-speed collision between a Muni bus and historic trolley along bustling Market Street in downtown San Francisco sent 15 people to the hospital Wednesday, including seven children who were, coincidentally, on a field trip to the Cable Car Museum.

An F-line trolley traveling east at 11:04 a.m. rear-ended a 9L-San Bruno at a bus stop at the intersection of Sixth and Market streets, said Paul Rose, a Muni spokesman. He said the trolley was traveling less than 1o mph.

The crash knocked down bus passengers, who included 31 children from the Vision Academy Day Camp on their way to the Cable Car Museum. Afterward, a group of the kids -- who ranged from kindergarten to eighth grade -- sat on the sidewalk holding ice packs to their heads.

The 15 people who were taken to the hospital had bumps, bruises and headaches, but no one was seriously hurt, said Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White.

"Kids are amazingly resilient," Hayes-White said. "One little girl said to me, 'Well it was a field trip to the Cable Car Museum and now I'm going to take a field trip in an ambulance to the hospital.'"

Harold Day, 70, of San Leandro said he was crossing Market at Seventh Street when he heard a crash. He said children streamed out of the bus.

"It was really difficult just to see that little girl -- she was crying, 'I want my mama, I want my mama,' " Day said.

The cause of the crash is under investigation. Following protocol, both drivers will be given drug and alcohol tests, Rose said.

Counselors from the day camp declined to comment at the scene. But the 24 students who were not transported to the hospital were kept busy -- they were offered a free tour of the nearby International Art Museum of America, a small gallery featuring works by Chinese masters and European portraits and landscapes.

"They were crying on the curb so we thought to give them a nice treat and bring them in here," said Loretta Huang, director of museum operations. After that tour, the kids boarded a second Muni bus for a direct ride to the Cable Car Museum.

Vivian Ho and Will Kane are San Francisco Chronicle staff writers. E-mail:, Twitter: @VivianHo, @WillKane



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