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Pa. EMS Tricycle Race Promotes Helmets to Kids

Laura Newberry

Paramedics and emergency medical technicians usually don't ride around on tricycles. But when they do, you can bet it's for a good cause.

The third annual Reading Hospital Emergency Medical Services Tricycle Race took place in a small parking lot outside the hospital's emergency center earlier this week, and three medical teams gave their all so they could get an important message across to the kids: Wearing a helmet can save your life.

Western Berks Ambulance & Rescue, Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences and the Exeter Ambulance Association faced off in a fierce relay race, awkwardly wobbling toward a paper streamer finish line on red Radio Flyer tricycles that were five sizes too small.

The referee laid down the rules before the teams raced forward: "No cheating, no lubricants, no pushing, no vomiting."

Western Berks snagged the first-place victory for the third year in a row, but everyone went home with a trophy and the feeling of an hour well-spent.

Niki Pellicano, who has been a Western Berks EMT for almost a year and suffered a brief tumble off her trike and a scrape to her knee, laughed about her experience.

"The injury was a rough one, but in the end it was worth it," she said.

Each team brought its own tricycles and helmets, which the hospital will donate to needy families.

Melissa Focht, an Exeter EMT and race participant, said she hopes the event will increase bicycle safety awareness.

"We're adults using helmets, so hopefully it'll rub off on the children and make it look cool," she said.

Race attendees were mostly the hospital personnel themselves. Dr. Charles Barbera, Reading Hospital's chair of emergency medicine, said the event has become a fun way to recognize them.

"We celebrate this for one day, but our EMS people work hard 365 days a year, 24/7, without much in return, to meet the needs of the community," he said. "We're lucky to have them."

Contact Laura Newberry: 610-371-5038 or

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