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Texas Paramedic Recovering from Windshield Smash Injuries

Alex Branch

A Parker County paramedic is recovering at home from a head injury caused when a car jack flew through the windshield of an ambulance last week, an official said.

Donnie Stone, 30, was struck as he rode in the passenger seat of a Lifecare ambulance about 9:30 p.m. Wednesday on Farm Road 730 near Stewart Street, said Paul Smith, director of emergency medical services for the Parker County Hospital District.

"A pedestrian on the side of the road apparently threw the jack into the ambulance's path," Smith said. "It crashed through the windshield and hit him in the forehead."

The result was a "severe laceration" and fractured skull, he said.

The ambulance driver stopped and began treating Stone and called for another ambulance, Smith said. Stone was taken to Harris Methodist Fort Worth hospital.

On Monday, Stone was recovering at home, he said.

Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler could not be reached to comment Monday evening about his office's investigation of the incident.

Smith said he didn't believe that anyone had been arrested.

Stone was fortunate that he wasn't hurt worse or killed, Smith said.

"It just appears to be a random act of violence," he said. "I don't know why someone would do it. We're out there to help people."


Alex Branch, 817-390-7689

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