National EMS Advisory Committee Established
A new advisory committee on national EMS issues is being formed, and its membership makes it unique.
The National Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council will make recommendations to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Office of EMS, according to the Federal Register.
The 26-member panel, comprised of volunteer and career providers, trauma surgeons, state EMS directors, educators, dispatchers, highway safety officials and consumers, will address a multitude of issues including needs assessment, planning, data collection, training and education.
The president of the National Association of EMTs said he is optimistic, and applauds NHTSA for reaching out to providers for input.
"This is the first time that I know of that such a comprehensive group has been formed on the national level. The membership will include everyone involved in the delivery of EMS," said Jerry Johnston, NAEMT president.
EMS advocates across the country have said they feel like the ugly stepchild because they aren't recognized on the same level as firefighters or police. They've called for a separate agency like the US Fire Administration.
"I truly hope it will be constructive, and not mired in federal bureaucracy," Johnston said, adding that he is pleased to hear that the most qualified people will be chosen. The resumes of the members will be available on a website.
"I believe this is a step in the right direction, and people with expertise will be able to give valuable input. I applaud DOT."
People interested in applying to be on the council should review the Federal Register information.
Announcing the council, NHTSA officials said in a prepared statement: "NHTSA has a 40-year history of supporting EMS systems through partnership and collaboration with federal, state and national EMS agencies. The NEMSAC establishes a formal method for obtaining input and advice from the nation's EMS community."
To View the Full Notice:
The full document, FR Doc. E6-21522, may be downloaded via the Federal Register's website. For a direct link to the online text, Click here. To download the document as a PDF, click here. The document includes the following information:
To Comment or Apply for NEMSAC:
Comments and applications or nominations for membership on NEMSAC must be received February 16, 2007.
You may submit comments online through the Document Management System (DMS) at:
To apply for membership, each application or nomination to the advisory council must include the following:
(1) A brief resume or letter (no more than one page) demonstrating the applicant or nominee's knowledge of EMS projects or programs and why he or she is interested in serving on the advisory council (please note, resumes or letters will be posted in the public docket and therefore should not contain personal information such as date of birth, etc).
(2) The name of the applicant or nominee and which interest(s)/ component(s) of the EMS community (identified in the full document) he or she would represent.
(3) Evidence that the applicant or nominee represents those interest(s)/component(s) of the EMS community (identified in the full document).
(4) A written commitment that the applicant or nominee would participate in good faith. Since all comments and/or applications for membership or nominations for membership on the advisory council will be posted on the Public Docket, we encourage you to include only that information you are willing to provide for the public docket and submit your application electronically using the docket number provided on this notice through the DOT online Document Management System found at:
The document states that every effort will be made to select advisory council members who are objective. A balanced membership is needed and weight will be given to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, geographical distribution, gender, minority status, organization, and expertise.